  • 學位論文


Accrual Based and Non-Financial Indicators Based Market Anomalies

指導教授 : 鄒翊 曹壽民


摘要 本研究旨在探討股市是否能正確評估非財務指標的價值,亦即,股市是否存有非財務指標異常現象。囿於資料取得的限制,我們只能獲得專利權與商標權資訊,這兩個非財務指標也是公司重要的獲利來源,本研究所探討的非財務指標為專利權與商標權二者。如果股市無法正確評估非財務指標的價值,我們可以根據非財務指標價值多寡發展一個套利策略獲得超額報酬。另外,本研究也一倂探討我國股市是否存有應計項目異常現象,及非財務指標異常現象是否與應計項目異常現象有關。


Abstract This paper investigates whether the stock market precisely price non-financial indicators, namely, whether the stock market exists non-financial indicators based anomaly?Data obtaining limitation, we simply acquire patents and trademarks information, both are the main resources of the company’s profit. Hence, we examine two non-financial indicators-patents and trademarks. If the stock market misprices non-financial indicators, we can extend a portfolio strategy to earn abnormal returns according to non-financial indicators. Further, we investigate whether the stock market in Taiwan exists accrual-based anomaly and whether it relates to the non-financial indicators anomaly.


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