  • 學位論文


Minimizing total tardiness on a machine with unequal release dates

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


本研究擬針對動態單機排程同時考慮最佳化與啟發式演算法,追求總延遲時間最小化為目標。最佳化方法包括分支界限演算法、限制規劃(constrained programming)和整數規劃模式。研究中之基礎定理與優先順序關係將由相關文獻中衍生推演提出,而新提出的分支界限演算法中,我們考慮同時先將兩個工作數固定安排於首尾兩端,剩餘未安排的排程位置在依相關定理指派工作。相同定理與優先順序關係也會被應用於限制規劃模式裡。這三個最佳化的方法都必須透過實驗測試其效率,其過程與運算結果將會在研究中詳細說明。我們也會提出一啟發式演算法,其實驗結果也會在研究中詳述。


This paper considers both exact and heuristic algorithms to minimize total tardiness on a single machine with unequal release dates. The exact approaches including a branch and bound algorithm, a constrained programming model, and an integer programming model. Based on the theorems and precedence relationships developed in the literatures and established in the paper, the branch and bound algorithm considers two unscheduled jobs simultaneously by fixing them respectively in both end positions. The same theorems and relationships are applied to constrained programming model. These three exact approaches are tested and detailed computational results are given. We also propose a heuristic algorithm and their results are reported.


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