  • 學位論文


The Interpretation of the Self and Other of Females in the Domestic Space

指導教授 : 陳其澎


中文摘要 傳統上家的空間經驗研究,一直偏重在男性經驗與男性觀點的研究,本文基於一種「性別」思考的觀點與女性主義的視角,提出女性觀點對家的詮釋與建構過程、方式的研究。 本研究中根據文獻與訪談資料的分析,了解女性在家中的有自我隱藏與實現之不同狀態,第三章「隱藏的自我」檢視了父權制度下社會角色對女性的制約與女性自我實現的弱勢立場;在家的空間配置安排中,反映的是一種「重男輕女」的空間傳承觀點,女性常被迫犧牲與隱匿自己的空間需求,就連被視為「後台」性質的女性空間,亦成了提供男性「前台」演出所須的生產性空間。 第四章「自我的實現」因時代的變遷與自我意識提升,促進女性本身自我存有的體認程度,更呈現於其對家的態度與其意義的賦予和建構。女性以其敏銳的情感觸角與生活經驗,具體呈現在物質、社會與精神生活之中,身心自我解放後,對個別化空間的多元需求,表現出異於男性的詮釋與建構觀念。女性更在異質性的「想像空間」中,擺脫傳統空間結構與人際網絡的束縛,創造出另一個理想的空間,因而「異己」得以在此空間中呈現,並作為自我在現實世界反思的借鏡。 綜合而言,本論文檢視了女性在家中自我受壓抑的困境與實現的期望,透過以「自我」意識為主體的環境建構與想像,實質反映女性對居家空間的需求。女性的空間觀亦有著企圖顛覆與挑戰傳統僵化空間和父權體制的抗拒效果。


異己 居家 父權體制 女性 性別空間 自我


Abstract This research is based on a point of view of gender thinking and stand on the position of matriarchy to express the meaning a home is and the process to construct a home. Unlike a traditional home space research has been only concentrated on men’s experience and men’s point of view. According to the analysis of interviews and the data, there are two different conditions while women are staying at home; one is to self-actualize and another one is to hide them. On chapter 3, “Self-abasement”, we demonstrate how women are discriminated and how they have to be in an abnegating position under patriarchy. Even in the arrangement of living space at home, it reacts patriarchy spirit. Women are always forced to save their living space need and to hide themselves. The backstage women need to help men play on the platform has to be men’s field. On chapter 4, “Self-Actualize”, we discuss for the changing era and the promotion of self-conscious how women understand more about the attitude to their home, and the constructions of the meanings of their home. Women practically express multiple needs to their personal space after self-release mentally and physically in physical, sociological, and spiritual living with very sensitive emotional experience. Also express the concept that differs from men’s explanations and construction ideas. Women further more give away the traditional structure of space in their very irregularly imaging space and create another ideal space, therefore, those who disagree these opinions are allowed to appear in the space to react the thinking of another side. For those mentioned above, this theory illustrate the pressure that women suffer at home and some of their expectations. It also reacts women’s needs to the residential space with the environmental structure and imagination that is with self-conscious. Women’s space concept intend to challenge against traditional fixed space and patriarchy.


gender spaces domestic female paternal authority system self other


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2000 <女性主義藝術史研究方法論>,《近代中國婦女史研究》。第8期。
Ackerman Diane
Betty Friedan


