  • 學位論文


Effects of Perceptions of Mentoring Functions on the Graduate's Learning Effectiveness

指導教授 : 曹國雄 吳美連


師徒制度,是中國自古以來各行各業之傳承制度。在知識經濟時代,企業界將師徒制度應用於新進員工之教育訓練及中、高階主管之訓練,藉以傳承企業組織之組織文化、工作內容與經驗。師徒制度也一直存在於大學研究所中,因為每位研究生(徒弟)都至少有一位指導教授(師父)。   本研究係探討師徒功能認知與研究生學習成效之關聯性,並檢視研究生個人特徵與師徒功能認知之關聯性、研究生個人特徵與其學習成效之關聯性、及研究生個人特徵、師徒功能認知與其學習成效之關聯性。施測對象為北部某私立大學工學院與商學院之碩二生,共發出440份問卷,回收345份問卷,其中無效問卷38份,有效問卷共307份,經統計分析後,歸納出以下結論。   師徒功能認知與研究生之學習成效(學位重要性知覺、對學校或研究所之情感性承諾、對指導教授之滿意度、對研究所學習之滿意度、生涯成熟度)各變項有顯著相關;師徒功能認知程度愈高之研究生,其情感性承諾、對指導教授之滿意度、對研究所學習之滿意度及生涯成熟度愈高。   研究生個人背景特徵(性別、年齡、所就讀之院別、有無一年或以上工作經驗),除性別外,與師徒功能認知有顯著關聯。商學院研究生在師徒功能認知及社會心理功能認知高於工學院研究生;有一年或以上工作經驗之研究生在社會心理功能認知及人際網路功能認知二構面高於無一年或以上工作經驗之研究生。研究生之心理特徵(內/外控傾向與自我效能)與師徒功能認知有顯著相關。 研究生個人背景特徵(性別、年齡、所就讀之院別、有無一年或以上工作經驗),除性別外,與學習成效各變項有顯著關聯。商學院研究生對研究所學習之滿意度與生涯成熟度高於工學院之研究生;有一年或以上工作經驗之研究生,在情感性承諾、對指導教授之滿意度、對研究所學習之滿意度及生涯成熟度四個變項上較無一年或以上工作經驗之研究生高。研究生之心理特徵(內/外控傾向與自我效能)與學習成效五變項均有顯著相關。師徒功能認知、研究生個人特徵與學習成效有顯著關聯。   依據以上之結論,在大學研究所之師徒制度,可將研究生之個人特徵,列入招生方式之考量項目,使各學制之研究所能招收其適合就讀之研究生。並瞭解研究生之個人特徵,以利指導教授因材施教,適度調整師徒功能認知三構面之比重,增進研究生之學習成效。


學習成效 師徒功能


Mentorship has a long tradition in China depending on which all professions deliver their expertise to the next generation. In the era of information economy, it plays an important role in modern businesses in the training of executives and employees so that they will success the organizational culture, job content and experience in the business. Mentorship also exists in graduate schools where each student has at least one advisor.   This thesis focuses on the relationship between perception of mentoring functions and the learning effects of the graduate students. In addition, we further examine the following topics, including relationship between personal characteristics of graduate students and the perception of mentoring functions, the relationship between personal characteristics of graduate students and the learning effects, and the interrelationship among the personal characteristics of graduate students, perception of mentoring functions and the learning effects. We sent out four hundred and forty questionnaires to the graduate students of engineering and business schools in a private university located in the northern part of Taiwan. A total of three hundred and forty five questionnaires were returned, among which thirty-eight were invalid questionnaires and three hundred and seven were valid questionnaires. After analyzing the relevant data, we reached the following conclusions.   Perception of mentoring functions and the learning effects of the graduate students, including sensitivity to the degree, affective commitment to the school, satisfaction with advisor, satisfaction with graduate school and career maturity, are significantly related to each other. Graduate students with higher perception regarding mentoring functions manifest better satisfaction in the areas of affective commitment, satisfaction with advisor, satisfaction with graduate school and career maturity.   Personal characteristics such as age, school, with one year or more working experience, of graduate students are significantly related to the perception of mentoring functions. Graduate students in the business school demonstrate higher satisfaction in the areas of mentoring functions and psychosocial function than the graduate students in the engineering school. Graduate students with one year or more working experience reveal higher perceptions than those with less than one year working experience in the areas of psychosocial function and networking function. The psychological characteristics such as internal locus control, external locus control and self-efficacy, of the graduate students have significant relationship to the perception of mentoring functions.   Personal characteristics such as age, school, with one year or more working experience, of the graduate students are significantly related to the variables of the learning effects. Graduate students in the business school demonstrate higher satisfaction in the areas of satisfaction with graduate school and career maturity than the graduate students in the engineering school.  Graduate students with more than one year working experience reveal higher satisfaction than those with less than one year working experience in the following areas: 1.affective commitment to the school, 2.satisfaction with advisor, 3.satisfaction with graduate school and 4.career maturity. The psychological characteristics of the graduate students are significantly related to the five variables of the learning effects. In conclusion, the perception of mentoring functions, personal characteristics of the graduate students and the learning effects are highly interrelated with each other.   Based on the abovementioned conclusions, in order to recruit appropriate students for the relevant graduate schools, personal characteristics of the graduate students should be considered as one element in the recruitment of prospective students. Understanding the personal characteristics of the graduate students will not only help advisor make necessary adjustments in their implementation of mentoring functions, but also promote the learning effects of the students.


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25. 劉筱寧,徒弟個人特質、性別角色與師徒關係類型、性別組合對師徒功能影響之研究,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國90年。
8. 李閔樺,高中學生之自我效能、成功期望、學習任務價值與課業學習動機調整策略之研究,彰化師範大學輔導與諮商研究所碩士論文,民國91年。
22. 詹瑜蕙,師徒制與員工生涯發展之研究—以壽險業為例,台北師範大學工業科技教育學系碩士論文,民國89 年。
24. 劉崇義,顧客滿意之研究---以壽險業為例,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國90年。


葉雲鴻(2015)。探討師徒制文化對傳統製造業的影響之研究 -以塑膠射出成型產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500689
