  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors of Channel Power between Manufacturers and Distributors in IA Industry of Taiwan

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


過去一、二十年來,業者與政府的共同努力下台灣已成為全球資訊產品最重要生產基地,因此,在資訊家電極有可能在PC發展飽和後,成為明日台灣的明星產業之際,預先了解產業通路結構,及影響通路控制力的因素,並進而釐訂適當合用的通路策略,是企業未來在通路上獲得競爭優勢的重要課題。 根據Porter(1990)的觀點,行銷通路是完成價值鏈(value chain)的主要活動;Kotler(1994)認為行銷通路管理是通路成員所面臨的最重要決策之一。而正當國內電腦業正逐漸跳脫原廠委託製造加工(original equipment manufacture,OEM),紛紛以自創品牌打入市場並增加與消費者接觸之際,通路合作關係的維持便更顯重要,可以說是「掌握通路就是贏家」。因此,在通路研究中,為能面對激烈的產業競爭及滿足顧客需求,掌握通路將成為市場競爭成功之關鍵因素(Mohr and Sohi,1995)。 本研究以通路的相關理論為架構,由外而內逐一探影響因子-通路氣候、通路結構、交易內涵,與通路控制力之關係;例如從整體環境的觀點,來探討通路氣候對通路控制力之影響;從結構觀點,來探討通路結構對通路控制力之影響;從內容的觀點,來探討交易內涵對通路控制力之影響;最後以資訊家電產業來應證本研究的理論架構。 研究結果發現:不同類型的通路氣候對通路控制力會造成影響;越是在團結合作的氣候下,成員的承諾與利他的公民行為也相對較強,因此,所造成的通路控制力也較強。而不同類型的通路結構對通路控制力會造成影響;越偏向高自主 通路類型通路控制力越較強。而不同類型的交易內涵對通路控制力亦會造成影響;成員間之交易越偏向非實體交易,能力擁有的一方將有更強的通路控制力,只重視有形交易,通路成員間的控制力將不明顯。


In the past ten years, enterprises build up an important manufacturing base in world wide via cooperating with government. Currently, PC has faced a limited development due to market saturate and technic limitation. In future, most studies expect that IA (information application) will replace PC as super star in next stage. In PC industry, Channel has been another focus for competing in past years. For IA industry, enterprises will face the same competed mode. Therefore, enterprises should understand industry structure and some key factors within this campaign first, and then select the right strategy so that enterprise will win the campaign within IA industry. Initiative, this study review some related theory-channel climate, channel structure, transaction mode, which affect the channel power via former studies verification. Moreover, this study also considers the relation between channel climate and channel power in aspect of ecosystem, the relation between channel structure and channel power in aspect of structure, the relation between transaction mode and channel power in aspect of context. Finally, proof this study theory frame via interviewing with managers within IA industry. This study summary some conclusion as follows: 1. Channel power will be various under different channel climate; this study also found that manufacturer obtains stronger channel power under channel structure with cooperative atmosphere. 2. Channel power will be various under different channel structure, this study also found that the more autonomic in channel, the less channel power which manufacturer get. 3. Channel power will be various under different transaction mode within channel members. If transaction within channel only focus product, the channel power will be unobvious.


Channel Climate Channel Structure Transactio Channel


1. IA研究中心(民91),IA產業大解析,拓墣產業研究所。
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