  • 學位論文

A:「動手做」對國中學生學習理化科的影響研究 B:空氣中氧氣含量實驗之改進

A: The Influence of Hands-on Experiences on the Learning of Science of Junior High School Students B: Improvement of the Measurement Experiment for Oxygen Contain in Air.

指導教授 : 楊嘉喜


A: 中文摘要 本研究的主旨在探討動手作實驗與活動,對國中學生學習理化科的影響。研究對象為桃園縣筆者任教的學校共三班國三的學生。主要分成四個部分,分別為:一、透過筆者設計的電磁學相關活動,探討學生活動前後理化科的學習態度是否改變。二、探討透過設計的電磁學活動是否對學生學業成績有所改變。三、探討學生經由動手作活動,對學生學習物理概念產生哪些激發。四、利用晤談的方法,探討此相關活動在學生心中真實的想法。 研究結果顯示學生學習理化科的信心、學習理化科的態度及對於理化科的價值信念,經由實驗處理後並未達到顯著的相關性,但是有趨向正向的結果。從學業成績來看,學生的成績有明顯的進步,從學校期中考成績班級排序二十四名進步到十三名。從試題的分析中亦可見到,動手做過的活動對學生學習相關的科學知識有幫助。關於晤談的部分,實驗組的學生大部分都會覺得動手作比課堂上的講述有趣,而且可以讓他們印象深刻,使理論與生活結合。由概念部分的研究發現,學生對活動相關的概念寫下的數量從平均1.3個,增加到2.2個,動手作活動,對學生概念激發有幫助。綜合以上幾點,動手作活動是一種值得教師嘗試的教學方式之一,可增加上課的多元性與學生的學習動機。 B: 中文摘要 本研究主要是在探討中學課程中,關於空氣中氧氣含量的實驗方法的改進與比較。本研究比較改進了三種不同的方法。第一種為直接將紅磷用電子槍點火的方式點火,量測水位上升的量,據以推估空氣中氧氣的含量,實驗結果測出氧氣在空氣中的含量約14~17%。第二種方法為利用鎳鉻絲重複點燃紅磷燃燒,測水位上升的量,用這種方法大概可以測到約20.2%的比例。第三種方法為利用NO與空氣中的氧氣反應的方法,測量氧氣的比例。首先,用雙氧水與二氧化錳反應產生氧氣,再與利用銅片與稀硝酸產生的NO反應,驗證NO與氧氣的計量關係,使學生可以驗證與熟悉化學計量關係。然後再利用此一計量關係,讓定量的空氣,依序每三分鐘注入定量的NO氣體,量測其體積變化的情形。利用NO的注入量與總體積的關係圖,吾人可快速的從圖中求得空氣中氧氣所佔的百分比例,使用本方法可求出氧氣的含量約20.5%。 本研究提供了一些簡單有效的方法量測空氣中氧氣的含量,可供教學現場的自然科教師上課參考使用。


A: Abstract The object of this study is discussing the influence of hands-on experiments on science study of the junior school students. The subjects of study are junior high school students in three classes, whom are taught by the author. Four topics are addressed; (1) The change in the attitude toward the study of “Physics and Chemistry” after taking the “electricity and magnetism” activity designed by the author. (2) The affect on the student’s examination score for those participating the “electricity and magnetism” activity. (3) What and how many concepts did the students gained from the hands-on experiences in the “electricity and magnetism” activity ; (4) What the students think about the hands-on activity in science study. The study show that the confidence, the attitude in studying and belief to the value of the physics and chemistry subject are approaching positive result, though fail to achieve significant correlation after experimental process. However, there is a significant improvement in the student’s examination score, the ranking of the class under study was raised to 13 in mid-term exam in the school from 24 in the previous exam. By studying exam sheet of individual student, the students under study one can conclude that the activity is helpful to the learning of electricity and magnetism. From the interview, the students of experiment group deemed that it is more fun and impressive to study science with hands-on experiment than simply lecturing, and the descriptions in the textbook is more understandable. We also found average numbers of the concepts increased to 2.2 from 1.3 for those students participating the activity. Therefore, hands-on experiments is helpful in concept learning for students. In conclusion, hands-on experiments is a teaching method worthy of trying, diversifies class activities and motivates the students. B: Abstracts In this study, the measurement methods of oxygen contain in air are compared and improvement methods are proposed. Three methods are compared. Firstly, by igniting red phosphorus with electrical lighter and measuring the raised water level in the vessel to calculate the oxygen contain in air to obtain a value of 14 to 17%. Secondly, nickel chrome resistor was used to ignite the red phosphorus repeatedly and the raised water level in the vessel was measured and an average value of 20.2% oxygen content in air was obtained. Thirdly, the oxygen content in air was measured by reacting the NO with the oxygen in air. Therein, to a fixed volume of air in a vessel, a fixed volume of NO was injected every three minutes, the volume of the gas in the vessel was then measured and recorded. By the intersection of the straight lines from the beginning and the last few points in the figure of the volume of the gas in the vessel vs the volume of NO injected the oxygen content of about 20.5% was ontained. This study provides simple and effective measurement methods for the oxygen contain in the air for reference of science teacher.


clinical interviews on molecule concepts. Science Education,68(4),P441-


