  • 學位論文


A Study of Influential Factors on the Sellers' Implementation and Performance of the B2B e-Marketplace

指導教授 : 蔡渭水 嚴奇峰


由於網際網路在企業應用的普及,透過網路進行交易也成為必然的趨勢,電子交易市集(e-marketplace) 的模式也應運而生。電子交易市集擴張了買方的選擇機會,提供賣方接觸新客戶的機會,並且降低了所有參與者的交易成本(Kaplan and Sawhney, 2000)。然而,因為電子交易市集所衍生的效率市場效果,賣方廠商可能會面對眾多賣方的價格競爭之中,如此一來將會降低賣方使用電子交易市集的意願。 因此,本研究希望瞭解在電子交易市集中,交易成本與核心競爭力對賣方廠商實施電子交易市集的程度影響,並調查電子交易市集的實施程度對其營運績效的影響。 本研究對23個電子交易市集發出314份問卷,經由實際回收的116份有效問卷分析中發現,交易中資產專屬性程度較高的賣方廠商,則其電子交易市集的實施程度亦較高。此乃因為資產專屬性程度較高者,由於其產品較少面對眾多同質性的競爭者,可以降低面對激烈價格競爭的機會。 其次,產品整合類型核心競爭力較高的賣方廠商,在電子交易市集中的實施程度也比較高。由於此類賣方能提供差異化的產品,不論在傳統的交易環境或電子交易市集中,都能擁有較佳的競爭能力。 最後,廠商對電子交易市集的實施程度愈高,則其在電子交易市集中的績效表現愈好。此乃由於資訊系統的特質,廠商使用電子交易市集能有效的縮短交易時間、提高交易資料的正確性、降低銷售成本、增加銷售量、與提高市場競爭能力。


In recent years, the traditional markets have changed dramatically with the evolution of information technology, especially the Internet technology. The Internet-based markets, i.e. electronic marketplaces, leverage information technology to perform market functions with increased effectiveness and reduced transaction costs. This study discusses that the influence of the transaction characteristics with the transaction cost theory and the core competence with resource-based perspective on sellers’ implementation in e-marketplace. 314 sellers registered on 23 e-marketplaces in Taiwan were chosen for this study. The sales managers of these sellers were mailed a questionnaire and 116 returned questionnaires were valid. This study finds the assets specificity of transactions in e-marketplaces is positive related to sellers’ e-marketplace implementation significantly. The study also finds the sellers’ core competence about product integration is positive related to sellers’ e-marketplace implementation. And finally, this study finds the sellers’ implementation in e-marketplace is positive related to sellers’ performance in e-marketplace.


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簡智昌(2005)。電子化交易及設計服務對 企業競爭力之影響 —以紙器業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500205
