  • 學位論文


A Semantic-Aware Mechanism to Improve Schema Consistency of Electronic Data Transformation

指導教授 : 戚玉樑


本研究提出一個運用語意認知(Semantic-Aware)機制為基礎之企業電子資料交換通用模式,改善資料交換中樞(Data Exchange Hub)需要雙向資料轉換映對模組以處理雙方的資料交換作業,提升文件轉換作業的綱目(Schema)一致性。資料交換中樞可藉由RDF(S)描述概念之領域資料結構(domain structure),並運用知識本體語言(Ontology Language)建立語意關聯知識本體(Ontology),藉由語意認知機制轉換程式可自動地處理資料的轉換作業,在不大幅更動原有資訊系統下,建置一個通用的資料交換環境,解決企業間交易格式不一致的問題。 XML與RDF文件分別屬於不同資料描述層級,不論是點對點或Hub方式的資料交換模式,均專注於XML文件結構作為轉換依據,將映對規則及轉換模組合併建置,造成資料交換作業環境不易擴充的問題。使用RDF(S)可以將資料描述於概念層次之元資料,進一步運用知識本體語言將資料映對規則建立於語意知識本體,並藉由語意之推論機制,達成轉換模組雙向映對的功能,動態產生資料轉換處理程序。本研究即在建立一個通用的資料轉換環境,將資料文件、映對規則及轉換模組各自獨立建置,語意認知機制在於提供機器可理解及自動化雙向資料格式映對處理,經由這個彈性作業架構,資料交換雙方可保留原有的資料格式,達成企業電子資料交換的目的。


The Internet and XML dramatically increased flexibility of Business-to-Business transactions processes; also we faced in merging information coming from so many sources. Traditional data exchange was focused on the XML document structure (tag) not its semantic, There are two issues in this field, how to reduce the mapping rules between different sources and how to improves the schema mapping consistency. This study proposed a Semantic-Aware mechanism allowed Hub’s data exchange platform transforms the XML document directly, first organizes an Ontology of the documents schema and mapping rules for create an abstract modeling layer, we can get the reverse mapping rule by Ontology inference capability, then write a program to converts the rule to transform procedure or others process code. In this flexible architect, IT department will concentrate to develop business application not in the data exchange requirement, Semantic-Aware mechanism provides the bi-direction schema mapping way and machine understand meaning, to achieved the business data exchange goal.


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