  • 學位論文


The Development of Urban-Bus System Simulation Software with An Embedded Dispatching Rule

指導教授 : 陳慧芬


本論文探討市區公車多條路線重複路段多班距之班距設定問題,同時考量公車營運業者本身的利潤、及乘客的利益,建立一目標函數,以找出最佳發車班距使目標函數最高,並且考慮實際行車過程中的隨機因素:旅運需求、行車時間、乘客因不耐等候而離開等候線等,以符合實務狀況。本論文乃延續陳政信(2002)的研究,由單一路線多班距的設定延伸至考量多條路線可重覆路段的競爭下,其中單一路線多班距的設定,使用的最佳化方法論是一種全面性的求解過程,進而針對各個不同時段的尖離峰,找到一組使得目標函數為最高的班距向量。 針對這個時刻表設定問題,我們設定公車行車系統的隨機模式及最佳化模式、利用隨機最佳化方法論以計算最佳班距值。從目標函數的特性分析中,發現多班距下的目標函數是一不連續函數,而不連續點發生在發車頻率改變時。 在隨機最佳化方法論方面,由於目標函數是不連續的,為了避免落入區域最佳解,採取兩階段求解,第一階段先找出最佳發車頻率(及班次數),第二階段為在此最佳發車頻率下找出最佳派車班距。兩階段皆採用Jin (1998) 所提出之回溯彈性容忍最佳化法,由於第一階段的決策變數(發車頻率)是整數,將此方法論修正使得原先實數域的搜尋修正為整數域的搜尋方式。 最後,我們進行模擬實驗來驗證方法論的效率與正確性。以我們提出的行車系統隨機模式,利用修正後回溯彈性容忍最佳化法的隨機最佳化的方法論,選擇台北市公車六條皆行經信義路之路線假設四個班距的模擬模式進行測試。


We consider the problem of finding the optimal multiple-headways for multiple routes; some routes have overlapped bus stops. The stochastic model consists of random customer arrivals, random number of alighting passengers at each stop, and random bus travel time. The objective function is based on the operation income and customer service. This is a stochastic optimization problem. The stochastic system might be too complicate to compute the objective function values but we can estimate the function values through simulation experiments. This thesis extends the work of Chen (2002), which considers multiple headways for a single route, rather than multiple headways, for multiple routes. For this multiple-headway stochastic optimization problem, we define the stochastic model of the bus line and the objective function, study the behaviors of the objective function and then propose general stochastic-optimization methods for computing headways. We found that the objective function is discontinuous where the discontinuity occurs when the bus frequency (number of buses dispatched per hour) changes. We propose a general stochastic optimization method---flexible-tolerance retrospective optimization (FTRO) algorithm---to compute the optimal headways. Our algorithm is revised from the algorithm proposed by Jin (1998). Since the objective function is discontinuous, our algorithm first computes the optimal frequencies and then computes the optimal headways associated with these frequencies. The purpose is to avoid local optimums. FTRO is used in both searches. For the first search, the decision variable (frequency) is an integer and hence the original FTRO proposed by Jin (1998) is revised so that the search domain is limited to integers only. Simulation experiments are run to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of FTRO. We choose six urban-bus routes that go by Xin Yi Road in Taipei. We use an example with four headways.


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