  • 學位論文

國民小學教師團隊發展歷程之研究 —以啄木鳥教師團隊為例—

A Case Study of the Development of Woodpecker Teacher Team in an Elementary School

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘要 二十一世紀的降臨,面對知識的爆發、學習觀念的改變、全球化的發展、國家競爭力的需求、民主化的潮流等等,許多因素都促使我們不得不重新思考教育方向。基於(1)教改面臨困境,教師角色改變;(2)落實終身學習,提昇教師專業;(3)團隊時代來臨,學習型組織四起;(4)切身體驗需求,拓展相關研究等研究動機,本研究以桃園縣啄木鳥教師團隊為研究對象,關注的焦點為教師團隊的形成、運作與影響之動態發展歷程。研究者同時為啄木鳥教師團隊成員之一,透過直接參與觀察、訪談和資料文件蒐集等方法進行國民小學教師團隊發展歷程之研究。 經由資料整理與分析,本研究獲致重要結論如下: 一、教師團隊之發展,是由志同道合的成員自發性所組 成,藉由平等對話、責任分享,以共同完成多元的團隊任務。 二、教師團隊之建立,首重成員的組合,應兼具能力專長異質化與人格特質同質化,並結合教師實務經驗與專家學理知識。 三、教師團隊凝聚力之產生,有賴於團隊在時間、空間、運作方式上展現彈性與多元之有效互動。 四、教師團隊之動力,源自於致力課程研發與教學創新,以改變教師角色,並建立教師專業新形象。 五、教師團隊之行動研究能力,有利於解決教學現場實務問題。 六、教師團隊之目標明確,減少教師孤立不安感,增進教師對課程與教學的關心。 針對上述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對學校教師的建議:(一)建立協同合作機制,展現團隊學習;(二)樂於專業對話與經驗分享,發展知識創新;(三)為問題尋找行動,增進教師專業。 二、對啄木鳥教師團隊的建議:(一)團隊任務之課程研發可與學校願景結合;(二)擴張團隊組織,廣納有志一同之教師;(三)由「異質組合,同質運作」轉變為「同質組合,異質運作」;(四)團隊成員積極進修或參與各多元研習活動,帶動團隊動力與活力。 三、對學校建立教師團隊的建議:(一)在教師團隊的發展與運作方面,包含1.依團隊任務的需求,慎選團隊成員的組合;2.建立對話與分享的氛圍,培養彼此相處的默契;3.依團隊成員共同的需求,發展多元的團隊任務;4.有效掌握團體動力,促進教師專業成長。(二)在教師團隊推展方面,包含1.安排教師教學研究時段,讓教師團隊聚會常態化;2.尋覓教師團隊之促進者,讓教師自願參加教師團隊;3.邀請校外專家學者擔任教師團隊的諮詢顧問;4.由行政當局規劃更專業而多元的教師團隊。 四、未來研究的建議:(一)教師團隊中團體動力與教師教學實踐的關係;(二)教師團隊的運作與學生學習成效的關係;(三)對於不同性質的教師團隊,進行相關議題的比較研究。


Abstract With the coming of twenty-first century, a great many factors are urging us to reconsider the orientation of education. Some of these factors are: the explosion for knowledge, the changing of learning concept, the development of globalization, the demand for national competitiveness, the trend of democratization, and so on. Due to the following research motives: (1) the teaching reform is faced with difficulties and the teacher’s role must be changed; (2) lifelong learning must be implemented to promote the teacher’s specialty; (3) with the advent of the team era, learning organizations are rising everywhere; and (4) life experience required to expand related studies, this research focuses on the dynamic development process of the forming, operation, and influence of the teacher team by taking the Woodpecker Teacher Team in Taoyuan County. The researcher is also a member of the Woodpecker Teacher Team, who will make studies on the development process of the primary school teacher team via direct participation and observation, interviews, and collection of data documents. By summing up and analyzing the materials, this research has drawn the following important conclusions: I. The teacher team is developed and organized spontaneously by members that have the same concept. This is to accomplish the diversified team tasks via equal dialogue and the sharing of responsibility. II. The establishment of a teacher team attaches the greatest importance to the combination of team members, who should possess both the heterogeneity of capability and specialty and the homogeneity of personal idiosyncrasy. The teachers’ practical experiences and the experts’ theoretical knowledge are also taken into consideration. III. The agglomerate power of the teacher team relies on the exhibition of the team’s flexibility in time, space, and operation mode and its diversified effective interaction. IV. The dynamics of the teacher team are derived from devotion to curriculum research and development and teaching innovation with the purpose of changing the teacher’s role and establishing a new image of the teaching profession. V. The action research capability of the teacher team is beneficial to the solution of practical affairs on the teaching spot. VI. A definite objective of the teacher team may help reduce the sense of isolation and unease in the teachers and promote the their concerns for the curriculum and teaching. According to the above conclusions, this research puts forward the following suggestions: I. Suggestions to the school teachers: (I) establish the cooperation mechanism and carry out team learning; (II) enjoy professional dialogue and sharing of experiences and develop knowledge innovation; (III) seek action to solve problems and promote the teacher’s specialty II. Suggestions to the Woodpecker Teacher Team: (I) the curriculum research and development of the team tasks may be integrated into the school vision; (II) enlarge the team organization, accepting those teachers that have the common ideal; (III) change from “heterogeneous combination and homogeneous operation” to “homogeneous combination and heterogeneous operation”; (IV) the team members should actively take advanced studies or participate in diversified study and training activities so as to bring dynamics and energy to the team. III. Suggestions to the school in establishing a teacher team: (I) in the aspect of developing and operating the teacher team, suggestions include: 1. carefully choose a combination of team members according to requirements of the team tasks; 2. create an atmosphere of dialogue and sharing and cultivate communicational understanding; 3. develop diversified team tasks according to the common needs of team members; 4. effectively grasp the group dynamics and promote the growth of teacher’s specialty. (II) for the aspect of the expanding of teacher team, suggestions are: 1. encourage teacher team members to get together constantly by scheduling the teaching research periods; 2. find a promoter for the teacher team to encourage teachers to join the teacher team voluntarily; 3. invite specialists and scholars from outside the school to act as consultants of the teacher team; 4. administrative authorities are in charge of laying out a more professional and diversified teacher team. IV. Suggestions for future research: (I) the relationship between the group dynamics in the teacher team and the teaching practice of the teachers; (II) the relationship between the teacher team operation and the learning performance of the pupils; (III) carry out a comparative study on related subjects between teacher teams of different properties.


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