  • 學位論文


An Investigation on the Seismic Assessment of Buildings with RC Wall

指導教授 : 林炳昌




RC Wall is a kind of a seismic component with economy and effective. It can resist the seismic force and reduce the displacement of structure effectively. Therefore, it often used in Newly-built high-story building or the strengthening for old buildings. RC wall usually has a great influence on the structural behavior which building with RC wall. If we can inflict analysis on the non-linear behavior of RC wall, it will enable more perfection in an investigation on the seismic assessment of buildings with RC Wall. So this text will probe into the member behavior simulation of RC wall deeply. Ductility capacity has been effect on the aspect of RC wall from consulting foreign list of references. This text use of the essence of ATC-40 performance based earthquake assessment to evaluate the seismic capacity of building with RC wall the member plastic hinge property and the process of nonlinear static analysis. The evaluating seismic capacity has been depend on the member behavior in each level of preference objective. The results will be compared with that of the current seismic evaluation method to evaluate the effects of seismic assessment for buildings wit RC wall exactly.


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4.Applied Technology Council(ATC), Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, Vol. 1, ATC 40, Redwood City, CA (1996).
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王力行(2005)。非韌性鋼筋混凝土構造建築物之 梁柱構件塑鉸性質推算及耐震能力評估〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500495
