  • 學位論文


A Study on the Gao-chi Arts of Master Carpenter Liang Shi-zhi in the Group Xidi of Quanchow.

指導教授 : 薛琴


泉州溪底派大木匠師梁世智篙尺技藝之研究 私立中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 中華民國九十四年二月 研 究 生:洪澍顯 指導教授:薛 琴 論文摘要 《泉州溪底派大木匠師梁世智篙尺技藝之研究》本研究主要針對溪底派的篙尺技藝作深入的探討研究,以溪底派大木匠師梁世智為主要研究對象。在目前社會對文化資產的保存意識抬頭,除了對物的保存之外,技藝的保存與傳承亦是一項重要的工作,篙尺技藝是大木匠藝的精華所在,針對篙尺技藝的深入研究探討,亦是當前保存大木匠藝的重要課題。本文藉由匠師訪談、實地調查及篙尺的紀錄來進行溪底派篙尺技藝的解讀、分析與研究。 全文共分五個章節,各章呈現內容為: 第一章 緒論:說明研究的動機與目的,研究範圍的界定:包括匠派、匠師、建築,研究方法與研究程序,以及相關的文獻回顧。 第二章 溪底派淵源與大木匠師梁世智師承體系之研究:篙尺技藝為大木匠藝的精華所在,欲探討一派之篙尺技藝須先了解其建築風格,慣用的構件類型與尺寸的大小、棟架的尺寸規劃等。本章分為三部分,第一部分說明溪底匠派與台灣傳統建築的淵源;第二部分分析溪底匠派的建築風格特色;第三部分探討梁世智匠師的師承體系。 第三章 篙尺技藝的傳統觀念、傳承與轉變:本章著重於篙尺技藝的傳統營建觀念、傳承方式以及轉變加以論述。首先針對篙尺的意涵加以說明,其次論述傳統營建觀念包括了:吉凶尺寸、營建禁忌、縫聲技藝等在大木設計中對尺寸規劃有重大影響;傳承方式探討匠藝的傳承及篙尺技藝的傳承方式;篙尺技藝的轉變探討因應營建體系的轉變對篙尺技藝的影響以及篙尺技藝因應而生的轉變。 第四章 溪底派的篙尺技藝---類型、記號、內容、繪製與操作程序:以梁世智匠師的篙尺技藝來研究分析溪底派的篙尺技藝,包括溪底派對篙尺的說法、慣用的篙尺類型與種類、篙尺記號的解析、篙尺繪製的程序與分析、篙尺的操作程序與分析、篙尺的應用方式等,加以深入探討分析。 第五章 結語:由以上各章節的內容,針對溪底派篙尺技藝作一總結並提出後續研究的方向。


溪底派 大木匠師 篙尺


A Study on the Gao-chi Arts of Master Carpenter Liang Shi-zhi in the Group Xidi of Quanchow. by Shu-hsien Hung Thesis Adviser:Chin Hsueh Submitted to the Graduate School of Architecture , Chung-yuan Christian University , Taiwan 2005 in partial fulfill for the degree of Architecture Abstract “A Study on the Gao-chi Arts of Master Carpenter Liang Shi-zhi in the Group Xidi of Quanchow”the research focuses on in depth study on Gao-Chi artistry of Xi- Di sect, and takes the carpentry Master Shi-Zhi, LIANG as the main object of it. Conservation of culture assets has been valued in the current society, besides the conservation, preservation and continuance the artistry are also essential. Gao-Chi artistry is the essence of great carpentry; therefore the in depth research is the current main task of reserving great carpentry. The article explains, analyze and study Gao-Chi artistry of Xi- Di sect by the interview with masters, on the spot investigation and Gao-Chi record. It is divided into five chapters, and the layout of each chapter is listed as followed: Chapters one Introduction:Illustrate the motive and objective of the research and definition of its scope: artisan sect, artisan Master, architecture, research method, research process and relevant literature review. Chapters two Origin of Xi-Di Sect and research of inherited sect of carpentry Master, Shi-Zhi, LIANG:Gao-Chi artistry is the essence of great carpentry. It is essential to understand the style of its architecture in order to discuss the Gao-Chi artistry of the sect., such as habitual type of construction, sizes and measurements, quantifier size and scheme for buildings. This chapter is divided into three parts, the first part illustrates the origin and connection between Xi-Di Sect and Taiwanese traditional architecture;;the second part analyzes architectural characteristics of Xi-Di Sect and the third part emphasizes on the inherited sect of carpentry Master, Shi-Zhi, LIANG. Chapters three Traditional Concept, continuance and transformation of Gao-Chi artistry:The chapter focuses on illustration the traditional concept of construction , continuance and transformation. First, we aim on the explanation of meaning of Gao-Chi; second, the discussion of traditional concept of construction which includes: Ji-Xion size, constructional taboos, Feng-Sheng artistry and other main influences on size plan of great carpentry design; methods of continuance explore the continuance methods of carpentry and Gao-Chi artistry; transformation of Gao-Chi artistry discusses the influence and the transformation caused by the change of construction system. Chapter four Gao-Chi artistry of Xi-Di Sect ---type, symbol, content, drawing and operational process:Analyze the Gao-Chi artistry of Xi-Di Sect by Gao-Chi artistry of MasterShi-Zhi, LIANG, including in depth discussion and analyses on the Xi Di version of Gao-Chi, habitual Gao- Chi classification and type, analyses on Gao-Chi symbols, drawing process and analyses of Gao-Chi, operational procedure and analyses of Gao-Chi and the Gao-Chi application. Chapter five Conclusion:From contents of above chapters, conclusion and further research direction of Gao-Chi artistry of Xi-Di Sect are brought up.


carpentry Master Gao-Chi Xi-Di Sect




馬少峻(2012)。台灣傳統大木司傅梁紹英作品之研究 ─ 以林口鄉竹林山觀音寺、桃園縣觀音鄉廖氏宗祠為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200889
