  • 學位論文


The Report of Interior Design Works of Historical Documents Exhibition Area for the Control Yuan

指導教授 : 胡寶林


本案為重新再利用並規劃設計監察院二樓(舊有並已閒置許久之辦公空間)為文史資料陳列室。在第一章中,交代設計緣起及設計者理念來面對此次的挑戰,同時深入了解及分析設計範圍,擬訂設計流程。第二章加以深入了解,以國內對於古蹟保存再利用之成功案例以及國外案例,作為監察院文史資料室未來設計經驗的借鏡與方向的制定。至第三章,設計者從監察院的歷史背景與建築特色切入、分析,藉以尋求為監察院文史資料室再生的契機。第四章則為監察院設計圖面及細部設計之說明。最後,第五章將施工結論與建議報告,檢討此次設計的各項缺失,以便對將來其他類似之古蹟再利用為展示空間之工程有參考之意義。 為了彰顯在空間中建立一個可視的古蹟「藝術」,又必須表達出原空間的質感,設計者大膽的擷取「借形表義」的手法,在挑空區中豎立了有型的「介質」,來傳達無形的「語意」,也就是將監院的歷史及五院制衡的詞句寫於玻璃上,以公共藝術的方式成為二樓大廳的視覺中心;而規劃於陳列室的展示櫥窗延續設計元素,完整的表達整個博覽空間所欲訴求的主題。 設計者將主題展示區輕鋼架天花板拆除,改以透明之玻璃天花板為素材展現出原古蹟結構之美,並強調日治時代之木屋架西化的工業技術轉移意義,讓參觀者在本區展場中,可直接欣賞馬薩爾式屋頂木構建築特色。本設計創意策略原為某些評審者反對,後經設計者堅持並且亦得到學者專家的支持。而設計者此項獨特創新之手法,為「歷史建築」再利用修復案例中較為特殊之處。 對於本案資料陳列室貢獻之概念,是基於表達如何讓古蹟呈現新風貌以及如何陳列及展示監院所保存之文獻及文物,讓一般民眾能藉由主題式導覽,從中體會國家設置監察院之真諦。因此透明及高質感的玻璃主題櫥窗便是這次陳列室的構材,配合視覺傳媒的辨識系統,我們將文物資料用較簡潔明確的手法呈現,成為民眾到此參觀的第一印象。陳列室之展覽設計以傳統框景手法來再現古蹟建築之美,並選用原有建築立面為背景,將資料分類設計後以立體效果呈現,因此所需要的是能提供有關監院過去歷史的一切收藏品,設計者從其中找出具體連貫的脈絡編排,成為系統化展演。


The major purpose of this case is to reuse and design The Control Yuan’s unused office space in second floor as an exhibition room. In Chapter One, the designer describes the beginning of the design and how the design team faces this challenge. Meanwhile, the designer analyzes the scope and draft the process. In Chapter Two, the designer studies the local and overseas cases about reuse and preserves the historic buildings to set up our direction of the exhibition room design. In Chapter Three, the designer makes a study of The Control Yuan’s historic background and architectural character to find a turning point that can make it rise again. In Chapter Four, the designer explains the drawing and detail design. In Chapter Five, the designer makes a conclusion of repair works and makes a report of suggestion to review faults. According all of this report can be a reference book for future constructions that need to reuse historic spaces to be an exhibition room. The designer takes shapes to present meanings to set up a visible art, and to express the quality of the historic building. The designer establishes a visible medium to communicate an invisible meaning. To set up a public art as the focus in the second floor lobby by writing the history of The Control Yuan and the spirit of the balance of Five Powers on glass. The showcases in exhibition room continue the element of design to completely present the theme. In this case, the designer demolished original rigid frame ceiling, instead of a glass ceiling to spread out the beauty of this historic building. Therefore, the visitors can admire the Mansard roof directly. This unique and innovative design method is the most special particular out of reusing the historic buildings’ cases. The concept of this exhibition room is based on two ideas. First, showing the historic sites in new and feature way. Furthermore, displaying the documents, records and the historical relics preserved by The Control Yuan. How to let the historic sites have a new style and features, and how to display the documents, The People would realize the true meaning of the establishment by the theme guiding. Therefore, we use the transparent and high quality glass showcases as the major component of the exhibition room. The public will have a first impression that is the historical relics were presented by a high tech technique with the Advertisement Identification System after visiting here. The designer uses the painting scenery to emphasize the beauty of the historic building. We choose the historic building’s elevation as the background, presenting the documents and records by the 3-D effects. The designer fined a specific and coherent thread of thought to arrange the whole collections of The Control Yuan. It will be an innovation of the exhibition space that we put the characters and images from the chosen documents on the floor and wallboard.


10. 《文化資產保存法》,行政院文化建設委員會,台北市。
15. Bitgood Stephen(1994),〈Designing Effective Exhibits: Criteria for Success, Exhibits Design Approaches, and Research Strategies.〉,《Visitor Behavior》,李惠文譯(1997),〈有效展示的設計-評定成功的標準展示設計方法與研究策略〉,《博物館學季刊》四月號,台北市。
1. 郭文亮(1993),〈古蹟保存與論述涉入〉,《古蹟修護技術研討會專輯》第五次,pp.17~23,行政院文化建設委員會,台北市。
2. 徐明福(1990),〈歷史性建築的保留與增建〉,pp.15~17,《空間雜誌》第17期。台北市。


