  • 學位論文


A Research on Computer Audit -Cases of Enterprise Resource Planning

指導教授 : 許通安


摘要 為了強化競爭力,提高產值,許多大型集團企業多數已完成企業資源規劃系統導入,但伴隨而來的是原有內控方式、電腦資料儲存、稽核軌跡之保留方式改變。相對的,會計師在執行稽核時,其查核方法與查核重點亦應有所改變,雖然查核工作的內容仍為查核規劃、查核測試,但是進行之步驟與進行之方式則有所不同。因此企業內外部稽核人員使用電腦稽核方法及技術,來執行其複雜的查核工作,以提昇稽核效益,已是不可避免的趨勢。電腦稽核即稽核人員利用人工或電腦系統蒐集證據,以決定委託人電子資料處理系統是否能達成組織目標的程序及評估電腦程式與檔案的可靠性,電腦環境的風險無有何控制,來對「電腦產生」財報允當性表示適切意見。 本研究目的為瞭解以企業資源規劃系統總帳與系統管理模組的功能來進行電腦稽核方式﹔透過對資訊及相關科技之控管目標(COBIT)的運用,尋求相對應之方法以提供一套解決機制﹔提供研究的分析結果,給予會計師事務所,面對客戶導入ERP系統後,查核方式如何進行電腦稽核的參考。為達到上述目的,首先將國內外有關電腦稽核及稽核方法相關學術研究理論及實務經驗與報導等文獻及資料做整理,以作為發展理論架構的基礎,之後以研究者實地觀察及覆核蒐集文件方式瞭解受查機構應用系統實際狀況,運用「資訊及相關科技之控管目標」的觀點進行查核工作,並評估系統功能面遵循查核情況,獲得建構新的稽核模式架構可行性之結論,再對受查個案公司提出電腦稽核改善建議報告,最後將研究個案稽核過程及電腦稽核結果提供會計師事務所作為企業資源規劃系統電腦稽核方法的重要參考。 研究結果發現從應用系統功能對營運衝擊判定、使用資訊及相關科技之控管目標(COBIT)來執行功能面遵循測試、以風險分析評估查核所發現事項等級、真實呈現公司內部控管的缺失、稽核出公司的風險控管弱點、提供管理當局與以改善或實行補償措施、降低風險至可接受範圍等個案步驟,驗證觀念架構確實可以運用於會計師事務所作為電腦稽核方法,惟必須同時考慮到會計師事務所執行者所需搭配足夠的教育訓練,並說服受查單位接受較高的查核公費支出。


Abstract The difference between computerization circumstance and traditional manual circumstance makes a gap in control . Although planning and testing of audit is still the same , the step and way of audit is to be changed here . Therefore , the exterior and internal audit need the new computer audit method and technology to execute complex work for promoting audit effect. The purpose of this study is to present how outside auditors to audit company in meeting the trend of implementing ERP. The main contributions of this dissertation includes these : Designing a framework that can use Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) to solve problems . Presenting a case study on computer auditing to illustrate how to check your customers , after adopting the ERP system . In order to achieve the goal of our study . First , this study reviews the literature related to computer auditing and auditing method .It also focuses on system practice in the context of ERP system. Second , this study performs COBIT analysis to audit this company . Third , it evaluates the compliable situations of system function for constructing a new auditing model . Fourth ,we provide a series of suggestion on our analysis . Finally , it draws the conclusions and outlines the policy recommendations to accounting firms. The steps of our case as follow :To analysis risk range of audit certificate .To check control weakness of enterprise .To perform the measures of compensation . To reduce risk to a acceptable scope .According to the results of the system , we could make the conclusions that use COBIT to audit this function of ERP system is effective.The results of this empirical study can provide suggestions for accounting firms , external and internal auditors in choosing auditing method . But is also consider the performer who have enough education and convince customer to pay more government expense.


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