  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study on Plate Shearing of Sands with Fines

指導教授 : 馮道偉


中文摘要 工程界不斷地在研究發展新的工法,盤剪係以一圓盤在砂土表面轉動,提供一水平向的剪力,使得土壤顆粒受剪力而錯動,對於砂土顆粒與顆粒間的緊密結合有很大的幫助。 本研究的主要目的是探討盤轉剪力,對含細料砂土之相對密度與圓錐貫入阻抗影響情形,使用三種不同粒徑特性之砂土,藉由改變砂土細料含量、載重大小及圓盤施剪的方式進行一系列實驗,從中量測沉陷量及圓錐貫入阻抗值,如此可得盤剪效果與各個變因之關係。 本研究係利用可施加盤轉剪力並同時記錄扭力與沉陷的圓盤剪力儀進行實驗,土樣環半徑為10 cm,土樣高度為10.5 cm,初始相對密為度為30%、細料含量為5%~35%之麥寮砂、0%及20%之越南砂、0%及18%之標準砂,進行單向及往復式盤轉剪力試驗,載重為7 kPa~100 kPa,試驗後量取沉陷量,求得盤剪後之相對密度,並量測盤剪後之圓錐貫入阻抗值。 試驗結果顯示,在同載重條件下,當麥寮砂試樣之細料含量越多時,相對密度及圓錐貫入阻抗顯示之改良效果越佳。不同砂土的條件下,麥寮砂改良效果遠比標準砂及越南砂為佳,即平均粒徑越小者改良效果越佳,往復式盤轉方式比單向式盤轉方式之改良效果為佳。


相對密度 細料含量 盤剪


ABSTRACT Researching new methods of ground improvement has been continued in civil engineering. Plate shear it is by circular disc in department at sand surface rotation, at the same time, It could provide the horizontal shear, and it causes grains of soil to displace aside. Therefore it should be helpful to move grain closely together. The purpose of this study is to probe into the action of plate shear would influence the relative density and cone resistance of sands with fine, Use different grains of sand of three kinds, by change sand fine content, normal stress and method of plate shear, To measure settlement and cone resistance value, could get plate shear result between various parameters. This study uses plate shear instrument that can produce a plate shear and record both torsion and settlement simultaneously. Radius of specimen ring is 10 cm. Height of the specimen is 10.5 cm. The plate shear tests were carried out with initial relative densities 30%. Fine contents 5%~35% of Mai-Liao sand , fine contents 0%、20% of Vietnam-sand, fine content 0%、18% of Ottawa-sand. Reversal and one-way shear, normal stresses 7 kPa~100kPa.To measure settlement and try to get a relative density and to measure cone resistance value after plate shear. The result of this study shows , Mai-Liao sand with the same load condition , when fine content of the sample is more, the improvement result of the relative density and cone resistance is better. Under the condition of different sand, Mai-Liao sand better than Vietnam sand and standard sand to improve result, and the average grains smaller, the improve result is better. The reveral shear is improve better than one-way shear.


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