  • 學位論文


Survey of a RFID Application in Distribution Center

指導教授 : 宮大川


近年來無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技術應用日益廣泛,舉凡門禁安全管理、貨物追蹤管理、醫療管制應用及動物植入晶片監控以及捷運系統使用的悠遊卡,甚至美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的後勤補給支援,都可以透過RFID技術的應用獲得良好的監控及追蹤。 目前國內、外對RFID系統應用於物流中心所產生實質效益之文獻並不多,造成有心導入RFID系統於物流中心的業者,遲遲不敢有所行動,大多抱著觀望的心態。因此,本研究基於上述的理由,將以情境方式探討RFID物流中心作業模式,並研究RFID系統應用於物流中心後,所產生的實質效益,以提供未來有心導入RFID技術之物流中心管理者參考應用。 本研究探討物流中心導入RFID系統,可即時追蹤貨品狀況、監控貨品流向及貨品資訊透明化等效益,在諸多有利於企業獲利的因素考量下,國內物流業者應該儘早做好相關準備,雖現階段RFID系統的成本過高,但是RFID系統在國內試行及導入有其必要性。歸納出本研究結果,有下列幾點的結論: 1.透過情境方式探討RFID技術可追蹤特性: 本研究以情境方式,透過RFID系統元件的功能及意義,藉由情境瞭解RFID系統可追蹤性功能。針對物流中心作業模式作分析與歸類,利用EPC Network系統的發展,可以讓物流中心管理者、追蹤系統的使用者,藉由追蹤系統,獲得貨品即時位置及安全狀態。 2.RFID可即時獲得商品資訊: 透過RFID之EPC Network系統架構,可即時掌握商品各項資訊,有助於產品供應鏈生命週期之透明化。 3.分析及歸納RFID系統在物流中心的效益: 本研究整理出物流中心應用EPC Network系統架構,可提供了物品資訊交換環境,有助於供應鏈自動化、提高物品資訊透明度以及供應鏈流程的追蹤與追溯。


Over the past few years, the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is wider and deeper than before. For example, access security, goods tracking, medical process control, tickets used in public transportation, and even the logistic support in U.S. military during Gulf War can be more efficient and more manageable by the implement of RFID. Although the prospect of RFID can be expected, most firms hesitate to introduce it practically due to the lack of research relevant to its practical implement. Accordingly, the thesis will discuss the operation within a distribution center through the predetermined scenario, which implements RFID and demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency RFID generates to offer the managers, who attempt to introduce RFID in the distribution center, a reference guideline. The thesis shows that RFID is able to help to track the goods, monitor where they go, and visualize the data carried by goods. Because of the benefit of RFID for the business process in the future, the logistic companies in Taiwan should prepare for the revolution in advance. Though the cost to build up RFID system is too expensive currently, it is still necessary to introduce RFID system experimentally. The follows are the summary of the conclusion in the thesis: 1. The characteristics of tracking of RFID system under the predetermined scenario: In the predetermined scenario, the performance of tracking in a RFID system can be understood. By analyzing and categorizing the operation models of distribution centers and the development of EPC Network, the managers of a distribution center and the users of a RFID tracking system can know the real time position and current status of goods easily. 2. The real time acquisition of goods data: Through the framework of EPC Network, the information of goods can be obtained immediately. This helps to visualize the life cycle of the supply chain of a product. 3. The analysis and summary of the effectiveness and the efficiency RFID generates in a distribution center: This research summarizes the framework of EPC Network in a distribution center. This provides a distribution center with an environment of goods data exchange and helps the automation of a supply chain, the visualizing of goods data as well as the tracking of business process in a supply chain.


distribution centers RFID


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Lin, Y. P. (2009). 電子化運籌管理平台之架構分析與整合技術-以RFID電子產品碼標準為基 [doctoral dissertation, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2009.00204
