  • 學位論文

敎師知識管理影響專業發展之策略研究— 以桃園縣一所國小為例

The impact of teacher knowledge management on professional devdlopment strategy—A case study of an elementary school in Tau-Yuang County

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


摘 要 本研究的動機與目的即在於如何透過敎師知識管理的方法,影響教師專業發展,提出具體的策略。為達成研究目的,本研究主要是以文獻分析、訪談、參與觀察及文件分析等方法進行研究。在研究過程方面,本研究利用文獻探討的結果,作為訪談的基礎;訪談對象為桃園縣一所國小之11位教育人員。最後根據上述發現,分別對學校及敎師提供出若干建議,以作為提昇敎師知識管理能力與專業發展之策略參考。根據資料分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 壹、國民小學教師知識管理實施現況 一、目前擔任的職務不同,對於知識管理有不同的知覺。 二、不同管道的資訊提供,有助於知識管理概念的建立。 三、不同的教師年齡及服務年資,資訊使用能力具有程度上的差異。貳、國民小學教師專業發展實施現況 一、不同教師背景變項,對教師專業發展的認同度,無顯著差異。 二、教師進修研習活動多元,由下而上的內容需求提出,更有助於縮短理論與實務的差距。 三、教師進修研習宜建立後續檢核機制。 四、充足的教學設備資源,提供教師在教學歷程足夠的支援。 參、教師知識管理影響教師專業發展之策略 一、同儕視導的次數過多,反而造成教師的教學負擔。 二、教學歷程檔案著重反省札記的功夫,避免流於形式。 三、成立讀書會或參與策略聯盟,建置凝聚力的專業社群。 四、教學資料庫的更新與汰換,攸關知識創新能力的提昇與發展。 五、行動研究有助於教師自我導向的探究與不斷的學習精神。


Abstract The aim and motivation of this study was to form a concrete strategy for a knowledge based management system which could help teachers’ professional development. Analyzing literature, conducting interviews and making observations were the methods adopted to accomplish this aim. Interviews were based on the results of literature review. The participants were eleven educators at an Elementary School in the Tao Yuan County. According to the findings of this research , the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The Current Status of knowledge management of elementary school teachers a. Due to their various present duties, teachers had different senses on knowledge management. b. It was helpful to establish the concept of knowledge management through different ways of information supply. c. The age of teachers, and how long they have been teaching influenced teachers’ ability of using information. 2. Professional teaching development of elementary school teachers a. Although they all had their own background, there were no significant differences in the acceptance of teacher’s professional development,. b. The diversity of advanced studies helped to shorten the difference of theory and reality on teaching. c. A review must be done after completing advanced studies. d. Sufficient teaching resources could support teaching. 3. Teachers knowledge managements make a huge impact on teachers’ professional development a. It was a teachers’ burden if colleagues often observe them teaching in class. b. The files of teaching history should focus on reviewing, or they were useless. c. Setting up studying groups or academic units aggregated the professional teachers. d. The renewal and elimination of teaching information and data concerned teachers’ knowledge development and progress. e. Active learning gave teachers a positive attitude.




