  • 學位論文


The perspective of management and nursing in veterans’ consultative policy – the cases of Taoyuan District

指導教授 : 謝龍發


摘 要 目前台灣地區對獨居老人生活狀況及照顧服務需求的有關研究,已有相當豐碩的研究成果,但卻顯少針對獨居資深榮民服務照顧做深入的探討,特別是當年隨政府撤遷來台之老兵高達六十萬人,現隨著時間之流逝,雖有部份已凋零,但目前仍有29萬餘人,政府部門雖有退輔會在負責照顧,但受限於人力,加上一些榮民輔導政策及法令之不合時宜及不夠週全,致出現下列輔導照顧問題(缺失),頗值探討及研究: 一、 對資深獨居老榮民是否給予足夠的生活輔導照顧。 二、 對大陸新娘主動下嫁老榮民之輔導問題。 三、 老榮民婚後之狀況曾否給予有效追蹤輔導照顧。 因此本研究,希望透過對桃園地區大陸來台單身無依資深老榮民,政府及各相關單位對彼等在照顧、輔導與管理等各方面之實際狀況,特別是榮民輔導政策之落實及執行情形,是否符合資深老榮民當前之需求?經過調查研究及比較,而達到有利單身榮民之照顧管理、提供政府制定政策之依據、有效保障無依老榮民之權益等目的。 本研究方法係採取問卷調查、個案深度訪談法、文獻研究法等三種;在論文資料蒐集方面,大體上分為四類,其一為中外書籍,其二為期刊,其三為網站資料,其四為學術論文的引用;本研究所採取的文獻研究法,其分析技術與傳統文獻資料研究方法並無差異,即:以官方正式文件為重點,掌握官方的政策立場,因而大量的引用退輔會之網站或以官方發佈的資料為重點,以驗證官方立場與具體作為,並探討理論與政策的發展與影響。整個研究內容重點及流程分述如次: 一、就「公共政策」、「社會學」領域的理論觀點,來對現行之榮民輔導政策進行檢視及研究,確認是否符合當前單身無依老榮民實際需要。 二、先行透過對一般老榮民之問卷訪查,再從中篩選出在老年照護、結婚等方面,特別是婚姻關係以及榮服方面所自評分數過低者,則再個別進行深度訪談後,敘述列出其簡略事蹟內容,彙整成個案,再從中進行個案深入之分析,找出問題之關鍵,提供解決方法之建議,同時為避免主觀,對個案之事蹟敘述,則務求真實生動,以利研究。 經透過個案真實故事的研究,可瞭解當前政府相關單位對無依榮民照顧,仍沿用老法令,未能就榮民在老年生活照顧及結婚所遭遇的問題,從政策制度面來協助解決,所呈現之老榮民之照顧管理問題主要有:大陸配偶來台定居後之管理輔導問題、對癱瘓老榮民婚姻之輔導管理、大陸配偶盜領老榮民積蓄之問題、老榮民遺款及權益被未履行同居及照顧義務之大陸年輕配偶領取及繼承之不合理狀況、對住安養中心老榮民之照顧處理…等問題,本研究除做出多項結論,並特就上述問題,對退輔會、縣市社會局及宗教公益團體,有針對性的做出多項建議,盼引起應有的重視。




Abstract The studies of single-resided elderly people regarding their living conditions and requirements have been comprehensive. However, researches on single-resided elderly veterans are very few, especially taking into account that more than 600,000 veterans retreated to Taiwan after the Nationalist (Kuomintang) government was defeated during the Chinese Civil War. As time fades away, so did some of those veterans. The remaining number is now estimated at 290,000. Although the Taiwanese government has set up a specialized organization, Veterans Affairs Commission (VAC), to take care of the veterans, there still exist some problems due to limited manpower. These problems, mainly stemming from inadequate or irrelevant policies and regulations, require in-depth research and study. The purposes of this study include: 1. Are single-resided elderly veterans receiving adequate consultation and care? 2. In the case of females from the mainland seeking to marry elderly veterans, are consultation and assistance appropriately offered to these veterans? 3. Are follow-on consultation and assistance in place for the veterans after their marriages? This study investigates the actual situation of single-resided elderly veterans in Taoyuan area, with an attempt to discover the implementation and effects of government policies in terms of caring, consultation, and management. In particular, this study aims to find out whether such policies have met the current need of elderly veterans. Besides, surveys are conducted and comparative studies are made in order to provide feasible suggestions for future reference. Such suggestions could be used in improving the caring system for single-resided veterans, helping government formulate policies, and protecting the rights of elderly veterans. The research methods are: questionnaire survey, case study and interview, and literature review. The information and data collected for this study consist of four categories, i.e., publications, journals, information/data from the Internet, and academic dissertations. This study puts emphasis on official documents so as to fully comprehend the consideration and position of the government. Consequently, this study often refers to the VAC’s website and official publications and uses these data as the basis for discussion and study. The main points of this study are: 1. Conduct research and review on the current policies of veteran services, using the analytical methods of public policies and sociology. 2. Carry out questionnaire surveys on area veterans. Select those interviewees who give low marks to elderly care services, especially marriage consultation and veteran services. The results of these interviews are consequently used as the basis for case studies, where several cases are chosen for in-depth study. In this manner, we may be able to find the solutions to existing problems. During the process of case studies, the study discovers that our veteran services are still following old regulations , and fail to meet the need of elderly veterans regarding their everyday care and marriages. Current policies and caring system need to be improved in order to provide consultation and assistance in the following situations: paralyzed veterans getting married, veterans’ saving stolen by their mainland spouse, unreasonable claiming or inheritance cases, caring problems for veterans residing in nursing homes, etc. This research offer some useful suggestions to VAC, local Social Affair Bureaus, and charity groups so as to improve the veterans’ benefit and rights.




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