  • 學位論文


Evaluations and Analysis of Distributed Renewable Energy in Taiwan Area

指導教授 : 周至如


摘 要 隨著用戶用電量日益增加,電力公司所要供應的電力也就越來越大,但是由於輸配電線路興建困難,使得電力輸配的問題越來越嚴重,也因此分散式再生能源逐漸有發展的空間,此外隨著能源逐漸枯竭及環保的壓力,再生能源可減少能源損耗的速度及環境的衝擊,再生能源應為今後發展的趨勢,不過現階段在台灣地區發展再生能源,所牽涉到的問題仍多,包括:成本效益、電力系統的供電可靠度及其他配套措施,這些問題都應加以考慮,已訂定適當的發展策略,其中成本效益是首要考慮的問題。為此,本報告首先介紹各種再生能源發展的概況及所面臨的問題,然後針對各種再生能源現階段的成本效益及相關影響進行分析評估,最後提出適合台灣發展的再生能源及其發展策略以供參考。


Abstract The utility loading is increasing with the consumer load growth. But the power transmission problems are more and more serious due to the difficulties to erecting transmission and distribution lines. In addition, the energy resources gradually exhaust and environmental impact are more and more serious. These problems will let the development of renewable energy becoming a tendency hereafter. However, in this stage, to develop renewable energy in Taiwan should consider many related problems including investment cost and return benefit , power system reliability and other measures to coordinate with renewable energy development. The development strategies should be suitable defined where the investment cost and return benefit are the most important items. For this , in this report each renewable energy development situation and it’s faced problems are first described. Then , the investment cost and related affections for each renewable energy are analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the renewable energies suitable for Taiwan to develop and their developed strategies are proposed.


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