  • 學位論文


The‘Spiel’in the Understanding: A Text-Interpretative Study of the Belongingness and the Contemporaneity in Truth & Method

指導教授 : 陸敬忠


本文從高達美《真理與方法》中關於「理解」與「遊戲」此二概念作文本詮釋性的考察。並在這樣的查考過程裡,可歸結地去找尋理解與遊戲這兩個概念之間,是否隱含著彼間的相關性,以達到所謂相互解釋或說相互補充之可能性。也基於此,特別集中於理解與遊戲之中的「歸屬性」與「同時性」之探討上。 在這樣的關係性的探討之中,再次去看理解者閱讀流傳物之交談關係與觀賞者接觸構作物之參與關係。也就是說,在這兩個生活經驗中去明白「理解中的遊戲」之意涵。亦即當理解流傳物或構作物的時候,所遭遇的確實具有某種遊戲的真理。 最後,透過筆者自身的書寫方式試圖從聆聽聖言之理解過程與接觸聖禮之儀式活動中,呈現出高達美在《真理與方法》中關於基督宗教傳統或說新教傳統的宗教像度之再理解。


遊戲 歸屬性 理解 同時性 轉化 保存 構作物 流傳物


The main theme of this thesis is the textual-interpretative investigation with respect to two concepts—“understanding”and“game”in Gadamer’s Truth and Method. And to be in conclusive search for the internal relevance between these two concepts in the process of this examination in order to achieve the possibility of mutual interpretation and supplement. Basing on this idea, we will especially focus on the inquiry of the “belonging” and “contemporaneity” in understanding and game. In this relational inquiry, we will more than once observe the dialogic relation in the reading of the tradition by a understanding mind and the relation of participation in the contact of observer and construction. In other words, that is to realize the meaning of “the game in the understanding” in these two life experience. That also means when we try to understand the tradition and the construction, we will indeed confront a certain truth of game. Finally, I will present the Gadamer’s reflections of the religious dimensions of the Christian traditions or protestant traditions in Truth and Method through my own way of writing in investigating the understanding process of listening to the divine Word and the liturgical activities of participating sacraments.


˙Richard E.Palmer, “ A Reading of Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art(1936) : Art, Work,and Truth ”, from Why Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Philosophy is Alive and Important Today Worldwide , Department of Philosophy,Institute of Scholastic Philosophy,2004.5.
˙Richard E.Palmer, “ The Original Purpose of Gadamer’s Truth and Method(1960) and the Development of a Philosophical Hermeneutics from Dilthey through Heidegger to Gadamer ”, from Why Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Philosophy is Alive and Important Today Worldwide , Department of Philosophy,Institute of Scholastic Philosophy,2004.5.
˙Richard E.Palmer, “ The Universal Process of Understanding:Seven Key Terms in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics ”, from Why Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Philosophy is Alive and Important Today Worldwide , Department of Philosophy,Institute of Scholastic Philosophy,2004.5.
˙Richard E.Palmer, “ What Happens When One Reads a Classic Text?Seven Observations of Hans-Georg Gadamer ”, from Why Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Philosophy is Alive and Important Today Worldwide , Department of Philosophy,Institute of Scholastic Philosophy,2004.5.
˙理查‧帕碼(Richard E. Palmer),〈高達美〈言辭與圖像:如此的真實,如此的存在!〉一文中十一個關於「圖像」的斷言〉,鄧世安譯,收於《哲學與文化》第卅卷第二期,2003.2。
