  • 學位論文


A Study of School-based Support System for Students with Learning Disabilities in Senior or Vocational High Schools. (Taoyuan County )

指導教授 : 康雅淑


摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣普通高中職學習障礙學生學校支持系統情形。以問卷調查法為主,並以抽樣訪談為輔,研究對象為桃園縣境內安置學習障礙學生之高中職學校的行政人員、學習障礙學生任教教師和學習障礙學生家長,有效樣本共600人,又依據學習障礙學生人數,抽樣訪談6人。所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、t檢定及單因子變異數分析處理,並將訪談資料彙整後進一步探討。本研究結果如下: 一、學校行政人員、教師和家長對學校支持系統屬於「需要」程度。但三者對學校支持系統的滿意程度屬於「不滿意」至「尚可」之間。 二、不同性別學校行政人員在學校支持系統需求與滿意程度,並無差異。不同性別的教師在學校支持系統需求程度,並無差異,但男性教師在「行政支持」、「研習進修」、「特推會」、「教學資源」、「人力協助」等五個向度,其對於學校支持系統的滿意程度高於女性教師。 三、不同特教背景的行政人員對學校支持系統的需求與滿意程度,並沒有明顯的差異存在。不同特教背景的教師對學校支持系統的需求程度,並無明顯的差異。但,修習3學分(含)或研習54小時以上(含)之教師其在「經費」與滿意總量表方面的滿意程度比曾參與54小時以下研習之教師為高。 四、不同規模學校的學校行政人員、教師和家長對學校支持系統需求與滿意程度,沒有顯著的差異。 五、學校行政人員、教師和家長對轉銜資料的提供、酌減學習障礙學生就讀班級人數、增加資源教室的設立、有系統辦理特殊教育專業研習、寬列特殊教育補助經費、醫療專業團隊協助、親師溝通等認為待加強。 根據研究結果,研究者提出建議,以作為教育行政機關、高中職學校之及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字詞:學習障礙學生、學校支持系統、學校行政


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the school-based support system for students with learning disabilities in senior or vocational high schools by using 3 forms of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The subjects were included 110 school administrators, 434 school educators, and 217 parents of students with learning disabilities in senior or vocational high schools in Taoyuan County. Data were analyzed by frequencies, percentages, mean, t-Test, and one-way ANOVA. The findings were as followed: 1. All school administrators, educators and the parents stated in need of the school-based support system, and also stated either unsatisfied to acceptances regarding the school-based support system now. 2. The analysis of variance revealed that the gender of school administrators showed no significant differences in need of, and satisfied degree regarding the school-based support system; however, male educators stated more satisfied with the situation now. 3. The analysis of variance revealed that professional background of the school administrators showed no significant differences in need of, and satisfied degree regarding the school-based support system; however, the educators with 3-hour lesson or above 54 hours in-service training stated more satisfied regarding the school-based support system, than who had no 54 hours in-service training. 4. The analysis of variance revealed that school-size of school administrators, educators, and parents showed no significant differences in need of, and satisfied degree regarding the school-based support system. 5. Concerns regarding the school-based support system included providing ITP, decreasing the number of students within the class of students with learning disabilities, increasing the number of resource classrooms, arranging special educational seminars and workshops, increasing the funds for special education, providing therapists within the schools, and enhancing the communication between educators and parents. Key words: students with learning disabilities, school-based support system, school administration




