  • 學位論文

台灣傳統建築空間變化之研究 -以苗栗縣苑裡鎮歷史建築蔡泉盛號為研究對象

The Study of the Change of Traditional Architecture space in Taiwan--- Take the Historical Building "Xai Quan She Hao" in Yuan Li Town, Miao Li Xien as the Example

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


台灣傳統建築空間變化之研究 -以苗栗縣苑裡鎮歷史建築蔡泉盛號為研究對象 私立中原大學文化資產研究所碩士學位論文 民國九十六年一月 研 究 生:陳宗志 指導教授:黃俊銘 論文摘要 本篇論文由苗栗縣歷史建築苑裡鎮房裡蔡泉盛號的家族人文歷史為切入點,進而探討建築空間的特點,並藉由蔡家所保有的文獻資料及文物,以及外在的文獻史料的印證,再深入研究家族人文及建築空間在日治時期的變化與影響,期能清楚明瞭台灣傳統建築中的民宅,在日治時期所衍生的建築空間變化,與該時期統治措施的相互關係。本篇論文主要內容如以下記載: 第一章 緒 論 本章內容是針對本篇論文的研究動機、目的、對象、範圍、方法進行論述。 第二章 苗栗縣歷史建築苑裡鎮房裡蔡泉盛號研究 本章包括苑裡(房裡)歷史、行政區劃變遷、苑裡四大家族,以及蔡泉盛號的家族、人物、歷史、經營項目、文物。主要是針對蔡泉盛號家族的特定人、事、物進行深入的剖析,藉由研究找出影響建築空間變化的立足點。 第三章 蔡泉盛號建築與空間之研究 本章內容是對房裡蔡泉盛號進行建築與空間之探討,經由本章內容研究得以釐清蔡泉盛號建築與空間的形成脈落,加上空間運用的研究,讓外觀為傳統四合院民居樣式,事實上卻是住商混合的形式更清楚的展現,而不同匠派的建築手法出現,也充分展現建築多元文化的特色。 第四章 日治時期蔡泉盛號空間的變化與影響 本章內容有三個單元,分別為研究時空界定、研究時期的時空背景及相關措施、蔡泉盛號的空間、人文變化與影響。最主要是以藉由蔡家保存的文獻資料及文物,探討日治時期殖民政府推動的台灣社會教化運動、皇民化運動、皇民奉公運動的措施對於蔡泉盛號空間、人文變化與影響,並讓政治及不同文化對於台灣傳統建築的影響痕跡充分展露。 第五章 總 結 本章內容有三個單元,分別為結論、檢討、後續研究。結論內容分為展現台灣傳統建築演變的過程、對於保護傳統建築的影響。檢討內容分為文獻保存不易、未能全面性的深入研究。後續研究則有土地面向的研究、商業面向的研究、其他的研究。除了探討本篇論文的結論與檢討外,期盼讀者在閱覽後續研究方面能撞擊出新的思維火花,激起更多領域的研究。


The Study on the Effect of the Kominka Movement to Traditional Architecture in Taiwan ---Take the history construction "Xai Quan Sheng Hao" in Yuan Li toun Miao Li Xien as the example. The Dissertation of Graduate School of Cultural Heitage,C.Y.C.U Postgraduate:Zong Zhi Chen Professor:Zun Min Huang The Summery of the Dissertation This research is against the families history of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao" in Yuan Li toun Miao Li Xien to treat the architecture dimension。Through the documents and the cultural relics belongs Tsais’and the other file investigation by reference to study the movement and the effect of the families cultural and architecture during the period of the Japanese Occupation。Expect to understand the architecture movement of houses, which of Taiwan traditional architecture and the relationship between the dominions during the period of the Japanese Occupation. The summery as below: Chapter 1 Instruction This content discourses what is the study cause、the goal、the subject、the range and the way. Chapter 2 To study the history construction "Xai Quan Sheng Hao" in Yuan Li toun Miao Li Xien. This content is including of the history of Yuan-Li (Fang-Li), the movement of administrative divisions and the four most famous families in Yuan-Li。 There are also studying the family of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao", the character, the history, the administration, and the cultural relics. Mainly, there are analyzing at the specific person and the events of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao". According this study to find out the appointment of the effect ion in the architecture movement. Chapter 3 Study the architecture and space of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao." In this chapter, there are treating the connection between building and the space of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao." Through this chapter to understand how did the building and the space of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao" being. From the space, we could understand how it makes the behind the Chinese traditional rectangular courtyard exteriority. The building also shows the plentiful culture by all kind of architectural convention of different sects. Chapter 4 The movement and the effect of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao" during the period of the Japanese Occupation. This chapter contents three parts; the first is studying the time definition and the history of the period of time; the second is the movement and the effect of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao." Principally, it is though the documents and the cultural relics belongs Tsais to treat the cultivation of Taiwan society movement, Kouminka movement and the kouminhoukou movement the effect and movement of "Xai Quan Sheng Hao". And make it clearly that how the politics and different culture affect traditional Taiwan architecture. Chapter 5 Summarization There are three parts in the chapter, the result, self-criticism and the follow-up study. There are two parts of the result; one is to express the process of the Taiwan Architectural evolvement. The part of self-criticism includes the reference conservation and the insufficient study. There are the study of land aspect, commercial aspect and others. We also look forwarder the other scholars in reading this study could inspire more ideal to study on other domains. Key Words:Traditional Taiwan architecture, historical architecture, the period of the Japanese Occupation, Kouminka movement.




