  • 學位論文

應用關鍵鏈於自動化系統之排程規劃 –以M 公司IAS 系統為例

Scheduling of Automation System Using Critical Chain – An Example of IAS for M Company

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


自工業革命以來,無論製造業和商業都在利用有限的資源下,來達到經濟價值的極 大化,因而發展出產業的設備自動化。近年來,在國內製造業蓬勃發展的環境下,速度 已成為提升企業競爭力的關鍵因素之一,對自動化系統供應商而言,如何縮短接單至交 貨的時間,尤其重要。然而,大量客製化與量身訂做的趨勢,卻使得專案排程的困難度 增加,因此如何快速並穩定的提供自動化設備的系統給客戶,是每個自動化系統供應商 主要的目標。 限制理論是用來開發特定管理技術的一種思想方法,這項技術已在管理的多個領 域得到很多的運用。關鍵鏈專案管理則是在限制理論中的運用,也是較新的專案項目 管理之一。因此,本研究運用此兩種管理的理論及方法,用來探討自動化系統專案管 理過程中的問題及解決方法。 本研究是以自動化系統供應商的角度,利用限制理論及關鍵鏈專案管理的觀念, 以改善自動化專案在執行過程中所遇到的問題,並達到在進度內完工的目標。並發展 出一套適合自動化系統的管理方法,以便有效控管專案內的每一個作業,都能在執行 的過程中,達到資源運用最有效率、作業執行時間更短、專案執行過程更易於掌控等 目標。


限制理論 關鍵鏈 IAS 自動化系統


Since the Industrial Revolution, both manufacture and business industries have been utilizing the limited resources to reach the maximize value of economics, hence the equipment automations in the industries have been developed. In recent years, efficiency has become one of the key factors for enhancing a business’ competitiveness in domestic environment of the well developing manufacturing industry; how to reduce the time from receiving a order to delivery is especially important for the supplier of automation system. However, the tendency of mass customization and make to order has increased the level of difficulty for project scheduling; therefore, how to quickly and steadily provide the system with automation equipments for clients is the main goal for every automation system supplier. Theory Of Constraints is a thinking method used to develop a particular management technology, and this technique has been applied in many domains of management. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is an application for the Theory Of Constraints, it is also one of the newly developed project managements. Therefore, this study applies both of these two management theory and method to discuss the problems occurs in project management processes of automation system and their solutions. This study is based on the perspective of automation system supplier and uses the concept of Theory Of Constraints and Critical Chain Project Management to resolve problems encountered during the process of project execution, as well to achieve the goal of work completion within the time schedule. It is also expected to develop a suitable management method for automation system to efficiently control each tasks in the project, to achieve the goal of optimal resource utilization, shorten the time of operation and easier to control project process during the execution phase.


【4】Goldratt, Eliyahu M.(2000) : Necessary But Not Sufficient, North River Press.
project management using enhanced theory of constraint,International Journal of


