  • 學位論文


A Case Study Of Comic Essay Blog Marketing Research

指導教授 : 黃文宗


部落格已是目前被大眾廣為使用的行銷工具,而針對不同的商品其行銷方式也不一樣,本研究主要以圖文部落格創作者為研究對象,目的在於了解目前圖文部落格行銷之方式,探討圖文部落格未來型態的發展與其發展契機,提供國內未來欲加入此產業之創作者相關的參考及依據。 本研究初步挑選15位符合研究條件之圖文創作者,篩選條件為:須具有個人或聯合印刷出版物、透過各種媒體報導創作者或其作品者、以及部落格經營年資二年以上者,以「方便抽樣」的方式選定7名創作者為研究對象,以「個案訪談法」為研究方法,從受訪者背景、使用部落格需求、經營方式、圖文行銷、獲利方式、未來發展等六個面向進行相關問題的訪談。研究結果發現,個案創作者其學歷背景多為藝術與設計相關科系;在圖文角色方面,大部分創作帶有正面情緒之圖像,並且以日常生活發生的事物為故事創作的文本。在部落格需求方面,大部分創作者初期對於部落格平台需求為「社交需求」及「尊重需求」,經由平台使用過程,最後對部落格平台轉換為「利益需求」,達成其行銷之目的。 根據本研究目的,本研究結論歸納出圖文部落格之行銷規劃基本的原則,分別為:在選擇平台時,建議應以「技術門檻低」、「跨平台互動性高」的特性為主要平台考量因素。部落格平台需有高度的「自主性」及會員「人氣流量」。且在經營部落格時,需多利用「交換連結」、「留言回訪」、「病毒式行銷」、「事件行銷」之功能,以增加部落格曝光之機會。本研究也歸納出圖文部落格相關的獲利模式為:(一)銷售商品及專長:圖文授權、個人商品化、個人書籍;(二)廣告收入:Banner點擊廣告;(三)商業合作:固定專欄、部落格寫手、廠商合作。最後根據訪談內容,歸納出四點圖文部落格未來發展及契機,以提供未來創作者可行性之發展方向,分別為:(一)善用平台特性;(二)多型態發展;(三)品牌化經營;(四)產業規模化。


Web blogs are widely employed as a marketing tool and ways of conducting web blog marketing are various depend on the characteristics of different industries. This study focus on authors of graphic and script oriented blogs (comic blogs) and their marketing strategies to explore comic blogs’ development processes and future opportunities. At the beginning of this research, 15 comic blog authors were selected on the criteria of works publication experience, popularity and two-year blog operating experience. And then, seven interviewees were selected by convenience sampling and were interviewed on six aspects of personal background, requirements of blog platform, operating strategies, marketing strategies, and business models. The results indicated that all interviewees have similar education background, fields of art or design. Second, the characters they created are positive oriented and stories they created are highly related to ordinary people’s lives experience. Third, the motivations of using a blog firstly based on “social needs” and “respect needs”. After a period of posting works on a blog, “profit needs” becomes the main motivation of using a blog. Furthermore, “usability of blog platform interface”, “connections between different blog platforms’, “high independency” and “great popularity of a blog platform” are important factors when blog authors selecting a blog platform. When operating a comic blog, authors of comic blogs take good advantages of weblink exchange function of a blog platform, replying text messages for intensive viewers, viral marketing and incident marketing to increase viewing rates of comic blogs. Besides, a profitable business model for running a comic blog includes four aspects: (1) developing characters related products and character licensing, (2) web banner clicking fee, (3) cooperating with an enterprise. Finally, taking good advantages of blog characteristics, developing in multi-aspects, branding, and reaching economic scale of a industry are concluded for future comic blog authors reference.


Comic Essay Case Interview Blog:Marketing Blog


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