  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Applying Service-Oriented Architecture on the Internal Control Management of the Passive Component Industry

指導教授 : 黃天佑


良好的內部控制,可有效提升企業競爭力,資訊科技在管理上的運用,可支援企業依其產業特性制定出符合本身的內部控制資訊系統。近年來軟體界推出的服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA),有效整合了資訊IT環境,而其高彈性與高效率的特性,讓企業面對瞬息萬變的競爭環境,更能夠做出及時的反應。 本研究探討被動元件產業內部控制在SOA下應用狀況的可行性,透過雛型系統建置,來驗證SOA在內部控制應用的成效。在本文中以被動元件產業高階需求為基礎作為內部控制資訊系統的需求來源,使用模型驅動架構(Model Driven Architecture, MDA)平台,MDA平台包含具有輔助系統分析的UML工具以及建置雛型系統設計模型的Modeling Tool開發工具,透過Code Generator 工具快速轉換為J2EE平台上的程式碼,並進行部署與測試。藉由此具有服務導向架構的MDA平台,以滿足資訊系統運用的需求。


Good internal control, which can effectively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Information technology in the management, according to industry characteristics to support enterprises to develop their own internal control information system. In recent years the software industry's Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), effective integration of the IT environment. While its high flexibility and high efficiency, let enterprises face rapidly changing competitive environment, more able to make a timely reaction. This research investigated the passive components industry under the application of internal control in the situation of the feasibility of SOA. Through establishing the embryonic system, to verify the SOA in the effectiveness of internal control applications. In this article to passive components industry-order requirements as a basis for internal control information system needs, using the model driven architecture (MDA) platform. MDA platform includes a supporting system analysis of UML design tools and build the prototype system design model of the Modeling Tool development tools, through Code Generator tool to quickly convert to the J2EE platform program code, deployment and testing. Take this with a Service-Oriented Architecture MDA platform, to meet the needs of the information system.


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