  • 學位論文


The Impact of Shared Audit Opinion on Earnings Attributes and Earnings Informativeness

指導教授 : 林維珩


本文以台灣曾經上市櫃公司為研究對象,探討公司財務報表被出具分擔式意見對於盈餘屬性及盈餘資訊性之影響。本文使用不同盈餘屬性之衡量方法,如應計項目品質、盈餘持續性、盈餘可預測性及盈餘平穩化與分擔式意見之關聯性。當控制盈餘屬性之重要因素後,實證結果顯示,被出具分擔式意見之財務報表,其盈餘屬性(預測性)較標準式無保留意見佳,隱含分擔式意見會使企業之盈餘品質較標準式無保留意見佳。其次本研究以未來盈餘反應係數(FERC)捕捉被出具分擔式意見財務報表之盈餘資訊性。結果顯示被出具分擔式意見之財務報表對於未來盈餘資訊性不會造成影響,但有助於提高當期盈餘。最後使用Modified Jones Model作為應計項目品質之敏感性分析,部分支持本研究之假說一。


This study investigates the impact of shared audit opinion usage on earnings attributes and earnings informativeness. First, we examine the relation between the shared audit opinion usage and several attributes of earnings: accrual quality, persistence, predictability, and smoothness. After controlling for innate determinants of the earnings attributes, empirical results indicate that financial statement with shared audit opinion can enhance earnings persistence. This suggests that financial statement with shared audit opinion can improve earnings attributes. Second, we use future earnings response coefficient, denoted by FERC, to capture financial statement with shared audit opinion’s earnings informativeness. We find that financial statement with shared audit opinion can’t effect FERC, suggesting that financial statement with shared audit opinion can improve current earnings informative. These findings are robust to using alternative proxies for the earnings attributes (usage on Modified Jones Model), Some support for the hypothesis One.


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