  • 學位論文


The case study of constructing two-sided platforms in 3C distribution player—SYNNEX

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


雙邊市場理論是進入二十一世紀後才引起國際經濟學界和產業界廣泛重視的新理論。多邊企業與單邊企業最明顯的不同在於:多邊企業不僅經營單群顧客,其所面對的是多群顧客,並且提供一個平台,吸引並促使顧客互動,藉此創造並擷取價值。當企業面對不只一邊顧客時,此時企業必須權衡這些多邊顧客群彼此間的吸引力,思考如何啟動及掌控顧客群之間的催化作用。 本研究以「聯強國際」案例,藉此找出成功多邊企業的經營模式指引方針。根據本研究的結果顯示: 一、聯強國際「賣多少、補多少」的銷售策略,解決了經銷商的問題。 二、聯強國際「多產品」的經營策略,可讓經銷商擁有一次購足的方便性與減少交易成本,也可讓本身的經銷商等級提高,進而取得產品價格與規格的競爭優勢。 三、聯強國際「優質維修服務」的體系,在產業邁入成熟期之後,發揮最大價值,且為 產品創造更多的附加價值。 四、聯強國際「市場反應回饋」的機制,是經由掌控銷售資料和庫存量,作為市場需求預測和庫存補貨的解決方法。 五、聯強採取「開放式通路」建構其平台,吸引不同族群的成員進入平台及促進不同族群成員間的交流,更使不同族群成員持續留在平台之中。


The theory of two-sided markets is a new theory which gained attention from the academic circles and the industrial circles in 21th century. The difference between multi-sided business and single-sided business is that the former faces multi customer groups and provides a platform for the interaction with their customers. When the business faces not only one customer, it has to weigh the lure of these customer groups and think how to activate and control the catalytic effects between its customers. This study adopts the case study of SYNNEX to analyze the guidelines of multi-sided business model. There are five key factors found in this study: 1.The selling strategy of “sell one, order one” solves the inventory problem of the distributors. 2.The business strategy of “multi products” offers one stop shopping to the distributors and helps them reduce the transaction costs. Besides, it upgrades the distributors so that they could get the competitive advantages of the product price and the product standard. 3.The system of “excellent repair service” values the most and creates more additional value to the products after the industry goes into the mature period. 4.The mechanism of “market response feedback”, through controlling the sales data and the inventory, turns out to be the solution to forecast the market’s needs and the quantity of inventories. 5.Synnex adopts the open channel to construct its platform. Therefore, it attracts members from different groups to join the platform and increases the interaction between the customers; furthermore, the platform keeps the members in the system.


SYNNEX Open channel Two-sided markets


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