  • 學位論文


A Real-Time Computer Graphical User Interface for Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Case Comparison Using MAAP Software

指導教授 : 張元翔


在現今社會中,核能成為電廠重要的發電來源,核能的安全性越來越受重視,因此對於各個模擬事故間的分析及比較一直是核能技術人員多年來重要的研究課題。本論文提出一套進步型沸水式核子反應爐案例比較之即時圖形介面,利用嚴重核子事故分析程式(Modular Accident Analysis Program ,MAAP)做為核子反應爐事故模擬的依據。即時圖形介面以電腦代替人工處理龐大的數據資料,並且加入許多功能,如:即時顯示、即時儲存及編輯等,降低人為判讀的困難。在初步的結果中,本圖形介面不但可以即時以圖表的方式顯示反應爐內各參數之狀態,更可以幫助研究人員比較在不同測試案例或是事故發生案例與正常運作狀態時參數間的差異。本進步型沸水式核子反應爐案例比較之即時圖形介面提供一個有效且快速的方法幫助核能研究人員維持反應爐在穩定的狀態,以及在制定當事故發生時的處理程序上分析及簡化參數資料之彙整。


Analysis and comparison of simulation data with various nuclear scenarios are the primary tasks performed by nuclear researchers and technologists in a daily basis. In this paper, we present a real-time computer graphical user interface for Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) case comparison using the Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP). The interface was aimed to yield an effective tool for data visualization and case comparison given various nuclear scenarios or simulation results with different MAAP versions. In addition, the interface was designed in an attempt to process the simulated data instantaneously and display the corresponding results as the MAAP simulation proceeds. To help nuclear researchers or technologists, the interface was also incorporated with a number of user-friendly functions for display, hardcopy, and documentation. The results demonstrated that the graphical user interface could be used simultaneously with the MAAP software during simulation. Case comparison was also possible for various nuclear scenarios or MAAP versions. In summary, the proposed interface offer a potential solution to ease the time-consuming and labor-intensive task performed by nuclear researchers or technologists, leading to put them in a position to focus on the analysis of nuclear data and thereby maintain the safe operation of the nuclear reactor.


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