  • 學位論文


A Study to the Intention of on-line Donation from the Perspective of Trust

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


捐款在非營利組織的收入來源中佔有重要的地位。近年來隨著網路的快速興起,許多非營利組織擁有了自己的網站甚至提供線上的捐獻活動;運用網路來募款也是未來非營利組織募款的趨勢。雖然網路募款的潛力無窮,但近年來受到經濟不景氣、金融風暴的影響,非營利組織的募款活動也受到影響。因此,本研究以信任觀點及捐款人的角度,來探討哪些因素會影響捐款人在公益捐款網站的捐款意願。 本研究以Mayer et al.(1995) 所提出的信任模型為基礎,並以捐款人的角度觀察目前線上捐款現況以及參考過去相關文獻,將網站的「安全性」與「易用性」、網站中的「助人情境」還有「自利性」列入研究,進而發展研究架構與模型。本研究以「實地實驗法」透過「網路問卷」蒐集樣本資料,並使用「結構方程模型」來進行分析。 研究結果發現: (1)非營利組織的能力、正直與仁慈會正向影響捐款人對該非營利組織的信任程度;(2)捐款人對該非營利組織的信任會影響捐款網站的安全性;(3)捐款網站的安全性會影響捐款人的捐款意圖;(4)捐款網站所呈現的助人情境、捐款人本身的自利性、以及捐款人對該非營利組織的信任程度會影響捐款人的捐款意圖;(5)捐款人的網站易用性認知對捐款意圖,會受到自利性的調節,也就是自利性較高的捐款人,其網站易用性認知對於捐款意圖的影響效果較自利性較低的捐款人為顯著。另外,對捐款人的捐款意圖影響因素由高至低排列分別為:「信任」、「助人情境」、「安全性」、「自利性」、「仁慈」、「正直」,最後是「能力」。


Donation is one of the crucial sources of revenue for the NPOs (Nonprofit Organizations). In recent years, many NPOs have not only established their own official websites but provided online donation services. As a result, this study aims to investigate what are the potential factors that may influence donators’ intention while surfing on the NPO’s donation websites in terms of the trust theory and donators’ viewpoints. The research model is developed on the basis of the trust model proposed by Mayer et al.(1995). Besides, according to the relevant literature reviews and the recent developement of online donation, some issues including “security”,”ease of use”,” helping situation” and “egoistic of donors” are discussed. A set of Internet questionnaires and field experiment are employed and analyzed by the structural equation modeling. The results of the study show that (1) The NPOs’ “ability”, “integrity” and “benevolence” directly affect “donators’ trust to them.” (2) Donators’ trust to the NPOs has a positive effect on the “security of donation website.” (3) “Security of donation website” has a positive effect on “donators’ intention.” (4) The “helping situations of website”, “egoisticality of donors” and “trust to the NPOs” have a positive effect on “donators’ intention.” (5) The influence of “ease of use” to “intention of donation” are moderated by “egoisticality of donors” that the effect will be stronger for high egoistic people. Furthermore, the study concludes the factors influencing donators’ intention and ranked from high to low, including “trust”,” helping situation”,” security”, ”egoisticality”, “benevolence” ,“integrity” and “ability.”


Donation On-line donation Intention of donation Trust NPO


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