  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Online Listening Strategy Training on EFL College Students’ Strategy Use and Learning Perceptions

指導教授 : 廖恩崇


中文摘要 聽力技巧在語言學習時通常扮演著相當重要的角色。隨著語言教學的焦點從教師轉為學生,越來越多的英語教學研究者將重心放在學習策略如何幫助英文外語學習者習得語言。本研究之目的在於探討線上聽力策略教學對大學生聽力策略使用和學習認知的影響。研究對象為台灣北部大學的三十位一年級非英語系學生。研究者架構了聽力策略教學網站,融入一英語聽講課程,讓三十位學生作為九週的課後練習。此研究的聽力網站架用在MOODLE平台,內容包含了七種聽力策略:擷取文章大意(grasping main ideas)、聽取文章細節(listening for details)、相關提示猜測(guessing intelligently)、推論(inference)、圖像式記憶(using imagery)、做筆記(note taking)、以及概述聽力文章內容(summarizing)。研究工具包括一份作為前測、後測的英語聽力策略問卷、學習者自我評量問卷以及半結構式訪談。 研究結果顯示將線上聽力教學網站融入英語聽講課程益處良多,本研究共有三項重要發現。在參與訓練課程之前,學習者整體聽力策略使用頻率屬中間程度,而學生最常使用的策略是認知策略。經過九週的訓練後,學生們整體使用聽力策略的頻率有小幅度的進步,而其中學生最常使用的策略為推論。第二、學生們對於此網站提升聽力能力的效果皆抱持著相當肯定的態度,例如:此網站讓他們在練習英文時能彈性地使用策略來幫助聽力理解。此外,學生們也表達了對豐富有趣、生活化、多元化聽力內容之期待。第三、由於此聽力策略教學網站提供了學生們許多課後聽力練習的機會,因此對於學生英語整體學習有著正面的影響,例如:學生可在任何時間、地點自主學習聽力。本研究明確指出此線上聽力策略教學網站融入聽力課程的益處,也對學生們線上英語學習、聽力策略使用有了初步的探索。本研究結果期望能對未來研究有所助益,也提供研究方向以期將來研究能深入探討不同聽力教材、媒介對聽力策略訓練或線上英語學習之成效。


Abstract Listening is an essential skill for language acquisition. With the shift from teacher-centered to student-centered in language pedagogy, researchers have paid more attention on the strategies ESL/EFL learners use to acquire the language. This study investigates the influence of online listening strategy training on the learning process of university-level EFL students and the strategies they use to study and review. The participants in this study were thirty EFL, non-English majored, university freshmen enrolled in an English listening and speaking course in Taiwan. The study lasted for nine weeks and utilized the listening website Listening Lab. Listening Lab was built on the MOODLE platform, an open-source software for academic course management, and featured seven specific listening strategies, i.e. grasping main ideas, listening for details, using linguistic clues, inference, using imagery, note taking, and summarizing. Listening Lab was adopted as a supplemental learning tool in the freshman English listening and speaking course during spring term 2010. Data collection and major results are derived from Listening Strategy Use Questionnaires (LSUQ), a learners’ final evaluation questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews. The results of this study showed that an online listening training program was not only useful, but also beneficial to integrate online listening strategies into a listening and speaking course. Three major findings were obtained in the present study. First, the participants used listening strategies with medium frequency and used cognitive strategies most frequently. Moreover, with respect to changing the learners’ use of listening strategies after nine weeks of training, the results showed a slight increase in their frequency of using listening strategies, especially the most frequently used strategy “inference”. Second, after training, most learners displayed positive attitudes about improving their English listening proficiency, i.e. they could use multiple strategies to enhance English listening. Meanwhile, learners also expressed their expectation of practicing English from interesting and lively listening contents. Finally, Listening Lab did have a positive influence on the learners’ overall learning process by providing more opportunities for individual English listening practice outside class. Thus, learners can practice English listening through this website at anytime and anywhere. This study demonstrated that listening strategy training can be integrated into university English courses and used as a supplemental learning resource. An online learning program such as Listening Lab benefited university students’ use of listening strategies and enriched their language awareness in English. For future studies, the researchers can pay attention to the influence of different listening materials or media to listening. Studies of this type can contribute to English listening instruction and online English learning in EFL environments similar to those found in Taiwan.


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