  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Applying Service Oriented Architecture on the Convenient system of Land Office

指導教授 : 黃天佑


我國自推動電子化政府計畫以來,始終朝向改善政府行政效率、提昇民眾的服務品質,進而邁向前贍、優質的電子化政府的努力目標前進,並已獲得相當成果,但因機關之資訊系統整合不足,多數便民服務仍無法跨平台、跨系統,提供快速、主動的服務;而服務導向架構(SOA)是將應用程式及資源以可重複使用的服務方式呈現,結合現有的系統資源,重覆使用已開發的合適系統功能,而彈性調整作業流程及快速回應使用需求,藉此提供更高彈性、更高效率、及資訊整合的IT環境,提供民眾更好的服務。 本論文之研究目的為驗証電子化政府地政便民系統服務導向架構的應用,首先藉由文獻的蒐集與整理,並以流程管理的觀點,探究服務導向架構運用地政便民系統研發管理上的內涵;並採個案研究方法,歸納地政便民系統策略、管理及作業各層次之需求,藉此建構雛型系統,並以入口網站方式整合為單一的操作環境,驗證分析地政便民系統於服務導向架構應用後的差異性。 研究結果發現:在SOA的架構下建構地政便民系統具有下列優勢:1.開發人力成本的降低。2.彈性的架構可以滿足客製化的需求。3.可以增加開發系統的附加價值。4.實現系統整合的可行性。5.可提高為民服務的滿意度。而此雛型架構亦可做為爾後運用服務導向架構於其他便民系統研發其流程及管理相關資訊運用研究之基礎。


Since the raise of development project of e-government in Taiwan, continuous effort has been made to enhance government efficiency and improve service quality. Further, move the government towards a target of proactive and high-quality e-government and accomplishments have been gained. Due to the insufficient degree of information integration, most people-convenient systems fail to achieve the goal of providing fast, initiative, cross-platform and cross-system services. Application and resource are reused through the presentation of Service-oriented architecture (SOA). Current system resource are combined and proper functions of developed system are recycled. Flexible adjustments on system procedure were adopted to respond to user request rapidly. Higher flexibility, better efficiency, and information integration IT environment may be achieved to provide people better service quality. The purpose of current study is to verify the application of the framework of people-convenient SOA land management system of e-government. First, through the collection and analysis of bibliography, as well as the view of procedure management, the inspirations of development and management of SOA land management system was explored. Case study was used in the study to reveal multiple level needs of strategy, administration, and operation. An initial model was built and a single operation environment was integrated by an entry point. The differences after using people-convenient SOA land management system were also examined. The findings of the study introduce that: the advantages of people-convenient SOA land management system include: (1) decrease the cost of development, (2) flexible architecture fulfills the need of customization, (3) increase value added of system development, (4) implement the possibility of system integration, and (5) enhance satisfaction of customer service. The initial model may be a further basis in the other people-convenient SOA systems, procedure development and administration of related information fields.


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