  • 學位論文

亞洲單一貨幣化之匯率波動性與平均數 復歸的實證研究

The Empirical Evidence of Exchange Rate Variability and Mean Reversion for Asian Currency Unit

指導教授 : 陳若暉


2008年是世界經濟由盛轉衰的一年,美國次級房貸危機引起全球金融海嘯,其衝擊效應不僅造成歐洲金融動盪,歐美國家金融機構更是陸續傳出破產危機,導致全球面臨經濟恐慌的打擊。亞洲國家雖未涉及歐美風暴中心,但因東亞國家出口依存度高,衝擊東亞地區出口,面臨生產能力嚴重過剩,廠商或轉型或倒閉,失業人數據增。而這次次級房貸危機所引發金融海嘯讓東亞國家金融合作提供契機,並加速東亞國家整合的速度。面對不穩定的金融環境,匯率的不確定性將會影響國家整體經濟效益。本研究將藉由亞洲單一貨幣化之中心匯率的建構與其他貨幣變數為樣本,探討匯率是否存在平均數復歸(Mean Reversion)現象。未來若發生類似全球金融危機時,藉由匯率變動產生結構性轉變STructural Break)之影響,提供日後政府擬定政策之參考。 本研究利用ARFIMA-FIGARCH模型實證,結果顯示15種匯率變數除新加坡元,其餘匯率均存在平均數復歸現象。另以模型參數d值作比較,14種匯率參數均介於0與0.5之間,並發現菲律賓披索數值最小,ACU次之,表示亞洲單一貨幣(Asian Currency Unit,簡稱ACU)中心匯率波動性具有平均數復歸現象,其長期匯率有回復平均值的特性,證明建構之中心匯率具有可測性,而進一步分析亦發現其匯率具有緩長記憶(Long Memory)效果,表示歷史匯率資料對目前匯率具有影響力,而有緩長記憶效果的金融工具,將產生可預測性之非隨機漫步現象。因此,若採用亞洲單一貨幣,亦可達到金融穩定效果。 本研究利用近年重大金融事件-1997年亞洲金融風暴和2008年全球金融海嘯重大變動,測試此兩事件是否對ACU、日本經濟產業研究所所建構之亞洲單一貨幣(Asian Monetary unit,簡稱AMU)、歐元、亞元指數(ADXY)、亞洲十國匯率造成結構性轉變(Structural Break),探討ACU匯率在事件發生前後所產生的變化,並測試其穩定性。結果顯示在亞洲金融風暴發生時造成港幣、韓元、日元、新加坡元、菲律賓披索、人民幣、馬來西亞幣、亞洲單一貨幣ACU(包含使用SDR之計算方法及使用SDR之修正計算方法)存在結構性轉變。而亞洲金融風暴造成ACU產生結構性改變,與本研究預測的結果相符。全球金融海嘯使匯率變數印尼盾、歐元及AMU亦存在結構性轉變。另比較單一貨幣ACU、AMU、EUR、ADXY,發現全球金融海嘯亦造成EUR與AMU產生結構性轉變。


Global economics changed from flourish to decadence in 2008.Subprime mortgage in America caused the financial tsunami around the world. This shock effect not only causes the Europe economics in a turmoil but also causes bankruptcy in several financial institutions in Europe and America. The global economics are attacked by this financial crisis. Asian countries largely counted on the Europe and America markets and therefore faced the over-supply problems. A lot of companies are closed and the unemployed increased dramatically. This subprime mortgage crisis caused the East Asia countries to speed up the financial intergration. Uncertainty of the exchange currency will affect the overall economic status when facing the unstable financial environment. This thesis is going to study if the currency exchange has the Mean Reversion phenomenon by establishing the central currency exchange in Asian Currency Unit (ACU). We are trying to provide the suggestion to the government by modifying the currency exchange to cause structure break when facing such kinds of the financial crisis. This study uses ARFIMA-FIGARCH(Autoregressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average-Fractionally Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) model and the result shows that fifteen exchange rates have Mean Reversion phenomenon except Singapore Dollar (SGD) currency. Comparisons on parameter d shows that fourteen currency exchange parameter exist between 0 to 0.5.This paper revealed that Philippine peso ( PHP) is the smallest, ACU is the second one.That also means ACU central currency exchange has Mean Reversion characteristics and the long term currency exchange rate could be back to the mean. This also indicates that exchange rate will be back to the mean value in the long time. Central currency exchange rate is predictable and has Long Memory. Past exchange rate has effect on the current exchange rate. Financial tools with Long Memory are predictable and not consistant with random walking. This shows that ACU could be used to stabilize financial market. This study uses the 1997 Asia financial crisis and 2008 financial tsunami to check if ACU, AMU, EURO, ADXY indx and ten Asian currency exchange rate could cause Structure Break. This study investigates the change of ACU currency exchange rate before and after financial crisis and the stability of ACU. The result shows that Hong Kong Dollar(HKD),Korean Won(KRW),Japan Yen(JPY),Singapore Dollar (SGD),Philippine peso(PHP),China Yuan(CNY),Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Asian Currency Unit(ACU)including ACU constructed by Special Drawing Rights(SDR) and modified ACU(SDR) have caused Structural Break .Asian financial crisis played a major role to effect ACU to has Structural Break and this result is consistent with our prediction.Under global financial crisis for IDR,AMU and EUR there were Structural Break. Comparisons on ACU, AMU, EUR and ADXY show that AMU and EUR has Structural Break during global financial tsunami.




