  • 學位論文


Work Effectiveness Study: The Impact of Chronic Fatigue and Work Locus of Control

指導教授 : 黃君瑜


研究目的:在工作超時、過勞事件頻傳、工作壓力遽增的現代社會,疲勞似乎已成各行各業的常態。當個體經驗到疲勞,可以預期會對工作態度及行為造成負向的影響,甚至可能降低其工作效率和品質。然而,以往職場健康心理學領域的研究,多探討工作壓力、職業倦怠及身心健康等相關議題。因此,本研究嘗試以慢性疲勞為研究主題,並以工作控制源為調節變項,瞭解工作者之慢性疲勞、工作控制源對工作效能的影響。 研究方法:本研究以便利性取樣的方式,利用量表問卷蒐集資料。研究參與者共有246名全職工作者,每位參與者皆填寫:基本資料問卷、個人體力檢核表、CDC 慢性疲勞症候群症狀檢核表、簡短健康量表-36、工作控制源量表、犬儒主義量表、組織承諾量表、組織公民行為量表及退縮行為量表。根據研究目的以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行假設考驗。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示,當工作者的慢性疲勞程度愈高,其負向的工作態度與行為會提升,正向工作態度與行為會降低;當工作者的疲勞症狀程度愈高、健康生活品質愈差,其負向的工作態度與行為會提升,且對組織的承諾較低。此外,研究結果亦發現,工作控制源之內外控對於工作效能各層面的影響不同,對慢性疲勞造成工作效能的負向影響亦呈現複雜的關係。 討論:慢性疲勞對於個體而言,不僅是日常活動的受限及工作效能降低等單一層面的負向影響,更可能成為次級壓力源,形成一種惡性循環。此結果對於組織而言不僅會降低團體效能,對於勞工安全及健康方面的成本支出相對會提升。在預防方面,企業組織宜在工作適配性、工作負荷等方面經由工作回饋做適度調整,並提供情緒管理、壓力因應等教育訓練課程,以供給員工更多因應資源。在介入方面,可從認知行為的角度切入,讓個案學習自我放鬆,增進對壓力的因應技巧,提升對環境與事件的控制程度,以降低慢性疲勞造成的影響。


Research background & aim: To comprehensively understand the impact of chronic fatigue and work locus of control on work effectiveness, so the study has two purposes. First, investigating whether or not chronic fatigue and accompanying symptoms have negative effect on work effectiveness, such as reducing positive work performances, or increasing negative work performances;second, examining the moderating effect of work locus of control on chronic fatigue and work effectiveness. Methods: Participants were 246 full-time workers. All participants completed paper questionnaires including the demographic data, Checklist Individual Strength, CDC symptom inventory for assessment of chronic fatigue syndrome, Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form-36, Work Locus of Control Scale, Cynicism Scale, Organizational Commitment Scale, Organizational Citizen Behavior Scale, and Organizational Withdrawal Scale . All data were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation test, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Results: Multiple regressions showed that chronic fatigue is statistically significant negative predictors of work effectiveness. When workers experienced chronic fatigue, it would reduce their positive attitude and behavior at work, and increase negative work attitude and behavior. The interaction of chronic fatigue and work locus of control has different outcome to work attitudes and behavior. Discussion: Chronic fatigue not only negatively influence daily life and work to individuals, but also is a secondary stressor, and will form a vicious circle to a worse consequence. To prevent this bad result, organizations should provide more support and resources to workers coping with work stress. And to chronic fatigued workers, CBT is an effective intervention to improve the influence of chronic fatigue.


