  • 學位論文


Heart rate variability analysis used in home care system

指導教授 : 涂世雄


本文研究的主要目的,是藉由分析居家照護系統中所需照護之病人的心率變異度,判斷病人身體之異狀,透過無線通訊技術連接病人所配戴之感測器以及電腦主機隨時監測病人之心跳訊號,進而減少心臟猝死卻無人發現的機率。 在本文我們透過低耗功率無線設計有效擷取並分析HRV資訊,我們提出的系統主要分為三個部分:首先我們將擷取心電圖訊號藉由藍芽傳輸至心率變異分析模組.第二,我們將心電圖訊號作處理並由時域以及頻域分析心率變異度,最後將訊號傳送至居家照護系統,判定是否正常,若產生非正常狀態則將立即透過網路及電話通知家屬及醫療單位,緊急救援,以降低病人產生異狀卻無法自援的機率。 本研究主要貢獻如下: 1. 我們可以經由高效率無線方式量取心跳和SDANN,判斷病人的生理狀況。 2. 我們可以經由居家照護系統設計降低病人在家中發生意外卻延誤救援時間的機率。 3. 居家照護系統節省更多醫療資源,及病人需自行前往醫院的時間。


The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze patient's heart rate variability in home care system, to determine the patient's vital sign, then connect WBAN(wireless body area sensor) and sever by wireless communication system, it can reduce sudden cardiac death no one discovered the cancer. In this thesis through the low power design in wireless device to obtain information of heart rate variation (HRV) signal .It contains the following three steps: First, we deliver electrocardiogram (ECG) to HRV module’s data by wireless communication. Second, we went to grab the patients ECG signal acquisition heart rate and standard deviation of the averages of NN intervals in all 5 min segments of the entire recording. Third, we input this signal to home care system, to achieve real-time monitoring and warning of abnormal data. If it has been abnormal we’ll inform medical unit by internet to reduce the incidence of accidents. Finally, we’ll show the simulations for this home care system. 1. We can take heart rate and SDANN by wireless communication, to determine physiological state on patient. 2. It can reduce accident when no one at home. 3. It can save more medical resources by this home care system.


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