  • 學位論文


The Effects of Travel Blog Characteristics on Consumer Use Intention

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


在全球化激烈競爭及網際網路的普及化下,由於網際網路的興起帶動,部落格的蓬勃發展且已成為時下最熱門的網路現象,部落客及旅遊業者發現部落格傳遞訊息快速、成本低且無時間的限制及旅遊部落格內容豐富且詳實,並紛紛成立旅遊部落格來進行行銷。 本研究透過網路問卷方式蒐集總共回收423份有效樣本,並以結構方程式為主要研究方法。以部落格認同、部落格信任作為基礎建立部落格獨特性、部落格情感體驗、部落格互動性、訊息來源可信度等理論,發展研究架構,進而了解旅遊部落格使用意願。 研究結果顯示部落格獨特性、部落格情感體驗、部落格互動性對部落格認同有正向影響,部落格訊息來源可信度對部落格信任有正向影響,部落格認同對部落格信任有正向影響,而部落格認同及信任,對旅遊部落格使用意願有正向影響。


Under the serious globally competition and internet popularization, Blogging is booming and has become the most popular phenomenon among the social network. Travel agency have set up blogs to marketing tourism due to tourism bloggers have found blogging to pass messages in fast, low cost and no time constraints as well as rich and detailed travel content. This study is conducted through online questionnaires; out of those distributed, 423 valid samples were returned. Structural equation modeling was the research method. Through LISREL8.54 to get confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Based on those theories, this research uses blog distinctiveness and blog trust as a foundation to establish blog distinctiveness, blog interaction, blog feel experience, blog Source credibility of those involves; and develop a framework for research to understand consumer use intention. Results from the study show that blog distinctiveness, blog feel experience and blog interaction have positive effect on blog identification, blog source credibility have positive effect on blog trust , blog identification have positive effect on blog trust. Additionally, blog identification and blog trust have positive effect consumer use intention.


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