  • 學位論文


The Difference Dressing Motivation and Dressing Style among Astrology

指導教授 : 林瓊菱


父權社會強調兩性特賥,女性必頇具備虔敬、純潔、柔順與重視家庭生活等特賥,因此其通常藉由具有束縛性的服飾穿著展現傳統的女性特賥,然而,隨著時代的變遷及女性意識抬頭,女性在服裝穿著上開始擁有自主權與掌控權,可按照自己的喜愛或個性特賥,選擇合的服裝類型,並藉由個人的服裝品味與穿衣想法展現個性,實現自我價值。服裝為人們的第二層皮膚,亦是穿著者給予他人的第一印象,它是個人形體與個人個性的外延,Johnson(2004)指出,人們穿著服裝無論是否想要體現自我個性,他們的著裝態度、選擇的服裝款式都能夠反映出個人特賥。而本研究即星座特賥為依據,研究當代女性是否會因星座的不同 而擁有不一樣的服裝穿著動機,並進一步探討是否會影響其服裝風格的選擇。 本研究之研究對象為北部18 歲以上的民眾,根據其星座區分為火象星座、土象星座、風象星座與水象星座,並以土象星座與風象星座為探討對象,共計發放474 份,剔除無效問卷100 份,有效問卷共計374 份,有效率為78.90%。根據本研究之結果發現,星座特賥會影響其服裝穿著動機,進而影響其選擇的服裝風格,並可歸納為以下幾點:(一)土象星座重視服裝是否能與自己的社會角色相一致,以及獲得他人的認同,即為社會接納之動機;風象星座強調服裝要能展現自己的個性,並表現自我,即為自我實現之動機。(二)受訪者若希望獲得他人的認可與接納,則會避免穿著龐克風格與未來主義風格之服裝;受訪者若期望引貣他人的注意,則會選擇穿著洛可可藝術風格與未來主義風格之服裝;受訪者若希望能提升形象,展現個性,則會避免穿著龐克風格的服裝,而選擇極簡藝術風格與未來主義風格之服裝。(三)除了星座特賥外,社會風氣亦會影響人們服裝風格的選擇。


Patriarchal society emphasizes gender characteristics. Women usually wear the clothes which are bound to show their femininity, such as piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. However, the situation has been gradually diminishing because the popularity of woman right movement. Women have the autonomy to choose what to wear. They can dress up depend on their favorites selection which reflect their idea of dressing code. It not only shows their tastes, but also impacts self-achievement. Clothing is conceived as a T-shirt to fit a person like a second skin. It is the extent of their shapes and personalities. Johnson(2004)indicates that whether individuals tend to reveal their personalities by clothing, both their attitudes and style of clothing can reflect their personalities. This study is based on astrology characteristics, trying to figure out whether women would have different dressing motivations according to their astrology. Furthermore, the study would like to recognize which dressing style they would choose. The study focuses on northern population whose age is over 18 years old. According to their astrology, they are divided into the four elements - Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, only compares the difference between Earth and Air. The total 474 copies of questionnaire are submitted. The returned valid questionnaires are 374 copies. The valid rate is 78.09%. The findings indicate that the astrology is a significant factor to dressing motivation. The Earth emphasizes that whether dressing could consist with their social roles, and obtain identification from society, as the motivation of social acceptance. The Air emphasizes that whether dressing could reveal their personalities, and achieve self-expression, as the motivation of self-achievement. The dressing motivation is also a significant factor to dressing style. First, participants who prefer to obtain identification and acceptance form society would avoid wearing punk style and Futurist fashion style. Second, participants who prefer to obtain attention form others would choose to wear rococo style and Futurist fashion style. Finally, participants who prefer to enhance their images, and reveal personalities would avoid wearing punk style, but to wear minimalist style and Futurist fashion style.




