  • 學位論文


An Interactive Tool for English Reading Comprehension based on Partial Parsing and Construction Grammar

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


研究者發現,臺灣的大專學生在英文的閱讀上遭遇許多困難。學生進行英文閱讀需要具備英文詞彙知識,句子結構知識,語義知識,和語用知識等等。這些知識被英文能力優秀的學生習得而成為其內隱的知識,然而對其它學生來說卻顯得困難。因此將這些內隱的知識外顯地表示出來是有需要的。為了得到關於句子結構和詞彙意義的知識的外顯化,需要對句子進行剖析和對詞彙的意義加以辨認。首先,對於英文句子結構的剖析,在自然語言處理的傳統上,是使用預先給定的語法,以做到完全的剖析。然而,對一般學生來說,使用這些語法來對英文句子做完全剖析卻是困難的。本文提出 Chink-Down-Chunk-UP 部分剖析法,可使用簡單的方法來將句子剖析成語義塊。其次,關於詞彙的意義的知識,可以使用構式語法,將詞彙在動詞的論元結構中所扮演的語義角色,外顯地賦予在語義塊中的詞彙上。 本文試圖發展一個,基於部分剖析與構式語法的互動式軟體工具,藉由讓學生手動操作這個工具來剖析句子,並記錄學生剖析句子時所使用的規則,而獲得內隱知識的外顯化。並使用這些記錄下來的剖析規則,來觀察專家和生手在應用語言知識時的差異。另一方面,可以使用專家所建立的規則,來建構出一個英文文本閱讀的專家系統,以應用於自然語言處理。本互動工具包含:一個可以由使用者來編輯的基於規則的部分剖析器,使用循序式和全域式二種方法。一個互動式的規則編輯介面,以定義、組織、和套用所指定的規則。一個基於構式語法的知識表徵模型,以表示句子中的詞彙的語義知識。一個使用者可編輯的詞庫,以記錄使用者的詞彙知識。本互動式工具被應用於大學學測英文科閱讀測驗的文本分析。本研究收集並呈現了一組剖析規則、一個語義的知識表徵模型、以及一個句子難度的指標,其中包含語義塊數量、指代數量、堆疊深度。


Researchers had found that college students in Taiwan who learn English as a Foreign Language (EFL) experienced difficulties in English reading comprehension. Several kinds of knowledge is needed in reading comprehension including vocabulary (word sense) and structural (sentence parsing) knowledge. These knowledges are implicitly learned by comprehensive students, but are sometimes difficult for other students to learn. Thus, an explicit representation of these knowledge is needed. Previous works on sentence parsing are doing full parsing through prescribed grammars like context free grammar (CFG), however, it is difficult for students to apply these grammars to fully parse English sentences. There is a different approach of parsing, called partial parsing, which can be used to easily and robustly parse sentence into chunks (noun phrase, verb phrase, preposition phrase, simple clause, etc). On the other hand, the knowledge of word sense can be represented through construction grammar by explicitly labeling the case roles of words that are used together in chunks. The purpose of this paper is to develop an interactive tool, based on partial parsing and construction grammar, to capture and explicitly represent the knowledge and rules needed for students to parse and understand English sentences. The interactive tool will be provided as an auxiliary learning tool for students in reading comprehension. The tool includes: a student editable rule-based parser, which is based on partial parsing, with both sequential and global approaches; an interactive rule-defining interface for students to define their own rules which can be organized and applied later; a knowledge representation model based on construction grammar to represent the semantic knowledge of words in the sentences; a student editable lexicon bank for recording their own lexical knowledge. The tool is implemented and applied as an auxiliary tool for studying and answering the questions of reading comprehension test of a college entrance examination of English in Taiwan. A set of parsing rules and semantic knowledge models are collected and presented. A difficulty index of sentences such as number of chunks, number of coreferences, and depth of stack is also presented.


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