  • 學位論文


From National Cultural Relics to Urban Capital Accumulation:The Cultural Form Transformation of Taipei National Palace Museum

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究以故宮博物院為研究對象,特別針對其空間轉化與作為文化資本尋求其文化意涵的改變進行研究,探討故宮博物院成立的始末過程與近年來的轉變,釐清故宮博物院的文化表徵與時空意義,藉此回應城市生活風格的形塑,以及論述作為文化資本所存在的故宮其空間狀態,進而展現當代城市文化的真實性與價值。 博物館一直都是國家文化水平的指標,同時也是文化權力彰顯的場域,單從故宮博物院的發展史來看,故宮博物院與其所典藏的文物與博物院建築本身,其實就是社會的產物與知識系統,以及整個社會參與其創造過程的產物之一,它帶有強烈的社會和歷史性格,並扮演著建構社會和歷史性格的重要角色,涵蓋了一系列既具文化、政治和美學面的發展.。本文以故宮博物院的設計發展歷程與城市的文化資本兩大主軸,從文化認同、故宮博物院轉變、文物展示過程、建築美學、城市生活風格等面向,探討故宮博物院與其文物,是在何種環境與文化背景之下轉變成城市重要的文化資本。故宮近十年來大幅度的改裝其空間,並且以文化經濟為主要的發展導向,藉由故宮博物院建築美學觀念,論述文化與文物呈現了何種新的意象,分析如何與城市生活風格作連結形塑出帶有皇室貴族象徵符號的城市文化,當建築空間在文化資本積累中作用,解析故宮做為城市重要的文化資本,如何與城市相互形塑其文化意涵。


In the research, the National Palace Museum was used as the research target. Investigation was carried out on the space transformation and the changes of it, as a cultural capital, in seeking the cultural meaning. From the beginning of the establishment to the end of the establishment of the National Palace Museum and the transformations of the National Palace Museum during the last few years were discussed to clarify the cultural representation and the space-time significance of it. The process in the creation of urban life style was also found out. The space status of the Palace Museum, as a cultural capital, was explored to show the authenticity and value of modern city culture. A museum has always been the indicator for a country’s cultural level and the place that demonstrates the cultural power. By looking at the development history of the National Palace Museum, the Palace Museum, the collections and the building are the society’s products and knowledge system. The Palace Museum is also one of the products of the society’s creation. It has significant social and historical characteristics and plays an important role in constructing social and historical characteristics. It covers a series of developments in the cultural, political and aesthetic dimensions. In the paper, the design and development processes of the National Palace Museum and the cultural capital of the city were used as the two main themes. From cultural identity, transformation of National Palace Museum, cultural relics exhibition process, architectural aesthetics and urban life style, the environmental and cultural backgrounds for which the Palace Museum and the relics were under while transforming into important cultural capitals were discussed. During the last decade, the National Palace Museum had major changes in the space and used cultural economy as the main development direction. Through the architectural aesthetics concept of the Museum, the new images presented by the culture and the cultural relics were discussed and the way to connect to urban life style to create the urban culture that has royal symbols was analyzed. When architectural space has effects on the accumulation of cultural capital, the way for the Palace Museum, as an important cultural capital of the city, to create cultural meaning with the city was analyzed.




