  • 學位論文


Game-base Activity of Daily Life Generation for Children with Autism

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


在現今的社會中,自閉症的人數越來越多,根據統計,台灣去年的自閉症人數比前年成長了近11%,因此自閉症的教育也越來越受到重視,也越來越多教育學者開始研究如何教育自閉症的兒童,因為一般來說,自閉症在三歲前就可以診斷出來,而接受治療能夠得到最佳成效的時期也是三歲之前,但不是所有自閉兒童都可以在三歲之前能改善到正常小孩差不多的程度,所以三歲之後如何從教育中改善自閉症兒童得異常行為或者改善他們的能力,也是很多學者所關注的。 自閉症的類型以及症狀每個人都不全相同,在自閉症的教育中,最常見的為使用卡片教學(PECS)配合教材教導自閉症兒童如何使用圖片跟別人做溝通,或者在教室中建立情境學習的環境(TEACCH),教導自閉症兒童一些日常生活中可能從事的活動,或者用團體活動讓自閉症兒童習慣與人接觸相處,近年來,隨著電腦以及遊戲式學習的發展,自閉症的教育學者也開始研究如何使用電腦輔助自閉症兒童學習各種不同方向的教材,提升自閉症兒童對學習的興趣以及專注力。 本論文設計了一個情境遊戲,使用日常生活中真實的圖片搭配不同的活動,讓使用者能夠有操作真實生活中物品的感覺,並且搭配文字題目,使用者透過閱讀並了解文字意思後,再進行相對應的電腦操作,希望藉此改善自閉症兒童的語意理解能力,本論文針對輕度以及中度自閉症兒童進行了兩個禮拜的實驗,於文中根據自閉症兒童的操作記錄做詳細的分析,並且透過問卷跟訪談探討此系統對兒童跟家人得接受程度兒童跟家人得接受程度,以及是否可以提升自閉症兒童的學習興趣,並間接提升兒童學習成效。


In recent society, there are more and more Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) patients. According to statistics, the ASD population in Taiwan last year grew up eleven percents than the year before last. So, more and more educators focus on the ASD education. ASD education also becomes more important. Most Autism Spectrum Disorder patients could be diagnosed and could get great improvement through treatment and training before three years old. Not all ASD children could get great improvement degree to be like a normal child before three years old. So, the education of ASD children after three year-old is also respected by many educators. Types and symptoms of ASD are different for each patient. In ASD education, the common method is using cards and materials to teach ASD patients how to use cards to communicate with others. The other common method is arranging classroom environment to teach ASD patients activities like in the daily life or use group activities to teach them social interaction. In recent years through the development of computer and game-based learning, ASD educators also start to investigate how to use computer to teach ASD patients and enhance their interesting/attention. This paper designs a situated game. This game uses real-world pictures to make children feel like in real-world, and this game also accompanies sentences (quests) with activities to train patients’ sentence comprehension ability. ASD patients must understand the sentences and do the activities. This paper focuses on mild/moderate ASD children and proceeds two weeks experiments. This paper also analyzes records of all participants and discusses acceptation degree of ASD children/family members through the questionnaires’ data. The result shows that the situated game could enhance ASD children’s learning interesting and improvement.


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