  • 學位論文


The Research of Bus Service Characteristics for Welfare Index on Transportation Disadvantaged – A Case Study of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 廖祐君


公車運輸系統是我國公共運輸系統主要發展之運具,然而其目前之營運政策在經營業者營運成本的考量下,容易忽略弱勢族群之服務。舉凡老年族群、偏遠地區的民眾等,由於弱勢族群在公共運輸之使用上有其特殊之需求性,例如老年族群對於公共運輸之可及性與服務頻率要求較高。目前對於公共運輸之服務品質評估,主要以整體供給面之評估為主,欠缺對於特殊族群需求之評估。因此本研究將針對現有公車業者提供之公共運輸服務內容,鎖定老年人與偏遠地區進行討論,分析其大眾運輸服務績效。 本研究提出以社會福利度為指標,分析老年族群與偏遠族群使用公車特性分析需求狀況,並且利用目前的公車路線配置、站點位置、班次時間,分析公車業者在各區域提供服務的程度,利用建立地理資訊系統資料庫方式,建立目前桃園縣公車營運路網資料庫,數位化路線、站點等資料,最後經由福利度指標結果得知在桃園縣中壢市,復興鄉內老年族群與偏遠族群的公車福利政策需要改善的區域,未來能夠提供桃園縣公車系統規劃之方向。


The development of bus system is a mainstream of the public transport policy in our country. The bus operator usually ignores the specific demand of disadvantaged minority such as the elderly and the users of remote districts, for example the accessibility and service frequency is generally under demand. The present measurement of service quality in public transport is only considering the supply side, the evaluation of the demand of disadvantaged minority is shortage. This research is focused on creating a welfare index to evaluate the present service for elderly and the users of remote districts. The welfare index indicated the characteristic of bus routes, stations and headways, and the geographic information system was used to create a database which was used for the welfare index. The Jung-Li city and Fu-Hsing county were chosen for case study, the results indicated the shortage of public transport of the two areas and the improving suggestion were provided to the local government as well.


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