  • 學位論文


A Study of Motivation and English Academic Achievement among Vocational High School Students

指導教授 : 徐文正 王乾安


英語學習動機和學業成就之間的關係是非常密切的,學生的學習動機可以影響其學習過程及結果。 本研究旨在探究英語學習動機和學業成就間之關係,研究對象為北部的某間私立高職的高一學生,總共七個班330位學生。研究工具為英語學機動機量表及段考成績。根據量表結果,將學生分成高動機組及低動機組以及高成就組及低成就組。資料分析採用量化方法,探討學習動機與業成就間的關係。研究結果顯示,高職生的內在動機高於外在動機,而高成就者的內在動機及外在動機皆明顯高於低成就者。然而,高動機的學生和其學業成就沒有顯著關係,而低動機者和其學業成就間有微弱關係。而本研究結果與之前結果相呼應,高職生在台灣是屬於英語學習上較低成就的族群,高職的英語學習時數和學習品質低於一般高中生,文末提供建議給高職英語教師及高職課本編著者,期望本研究的結果可以幫助高職生的英語學習,以提高其英語學習動機。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between motivation and English academic achievement. This study explores whether high motivation will lead to high achievement and low motivation will lead to low achievement. In addition, this study examines the distribution of motivation types of vocational high school students in Taiwan, and further to investigate whether high English achievers and low English achievers possess different levels of motivation. Seven 10th grade intact classes from a selected vocational high school in the Northern Taiwan participated in this study. Two types of quantitative instruments were employed in the data collection. The revised version of Brown’s(2000) intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation questionnaire was administrated to assess the students’ types of motivation, and the average score of three school monthly exams was adopted as the indicator for the students’ academic achievement. Quantitative analysis was employed in this study, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and independent sample T-test. The results indicated that vocational high school students adopted more intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation in English learning. In addition, there was a significant difference between high English achievers and low English achievers in terms of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. High English achievers manifested more intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation than low English achievers. However, the results showed that there was no significant correlation between high motivation and English academic achievement but weak positive correlation between low motivation and English academic achievement.


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