  • 學位論文


Strategic Responses to Environment changes and effects on Taiwan's equipment industrial ecology

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


台灣半導體產業從1987 年到 2010年歷經多次景氣週期的成長與衰退的循環變化,直接影響的是上下游關聯廠商的機會與命運,半導體設備廠商與半導體企業彼此之間存在了相互依賴、共同演化的特性,因此每當半導產業生態環境受景氣需求與技術創新的影響時,同時使得半導體設備廠商生存環境產生劇烈的變動。 在半導體發展歷程中因為環境的改變及生存的競爭,有些設備廠商異軍突起,有些設備廠商沒落消失,有些設備廠商甚至在極短時間內經歷了興起、沒落,一直至消失。而最近國內半導體經營環境之變動比過去更為劇烈,但有那些關鍵因素足以影響一個設備廠商在產業的發展,設備廠商有那些生存條件?等都是值得探討的課題。 本研究主要回顧過去台灣半導體產業的發展歷程,透過生命週期理論觀點來探索產業在不同時期階段變遷時,設備廠商面對環境的變遷,如何主動適應環境並和環境維持一種動態平衡的互動關係,如何在環境中找到適合其發展的空間與生存利基,並藉由半導體產業發展歷程來檢視半導體設備廠商的行為模式,以及資源可獲得性對設備廠商存活能力的影響,並從族群生態的觀點觀察設備廠商在不同歷程中與環境互動過程所表現的對應策略。


In Taiwan, it shows clearly that after several boom cycles, Taiwan's semiconductor industries changed dramatically and it affected the related manufacturers directly from 1987 to 2010 because the manufacturers of semiconductor equipment and semiconductor companies are related to each other. Therefore, the survival environments of equipment manufacturers also change intensely every time while the new technology innovation and the demand of boom of semiconductor industry are found. Because of the environment changes and the competition, some equipment manufacturers sprung up and some decline, moreover, some equipment manufacturers are even in a very short period of time to rise and decline, and then disappear. Since the changes of semiconductor environment are more intense in recent years than in the past, it is interesting and worth to find out the key factors to affect equipment manufacturers in the development of the industry, and what are the survival niche? In my study, the main point is the history of the development of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. By using the theory of life cycle to explore that in different stage of industries, how the manufacturers of equipment take the initiative to adapt to a new environment, how they survive in these changes and how to get a dynamic balance in this interaction to find a space of development when they face these environment transition. Also according to these histories, the behavior mode of equipment manufacturers and the effect of available resource for equipment manufacturers could be surveyed. Besides, under the point of view of population ecology observation, we can observe the Strategic Responses of equipment manufacturers in a different course of performance and environmental interaction


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