  • 學位論文


Analysis of Gold Nanoclusters-Protein Bioconjugate (Corona) Self-assembly by Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer

指導教授 : 林政鞍 張恒雄




Fluorescent gold nanoclusters has shown unique luminescent properties, good biocompatibility and high surface ratio which can be a new generation of fluorescent probes and applied in clinical medicine. Therefore, to explore the interaction between fluorescent gold nanoclusters with plasma protein is an important topic. In this study, the dihydrolipoic acid-protected gold nanoclusters, and the serum albumin were explored the change of properties after assembling via electrostatic force. Three structures can be formed after gold nanoclusters adsorbing onto plasma protein. Lysine-rich domain of albumin may offer assembling force with gold nanoclusters electrostatically. These self-assembled structures not only enhance the fluorescent intensity of gold nanoclusters, but affecte the behavior of cellular uptake. In this study, the interaction between micro/nano materials and protein can provide the basis of assessment for the nanomedicine biomedical applications development.


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