  • 學位論文


Utilizing a Facebook Online Game for Language Learning: EFL Learners’ Perceptions and Vocabulary Acquisition

指導教授 : 宋正邦




Game-based learning has been extensively investigated, and the concept of incorporating games into English learning is widely accepted. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using the Facebook online game, Restaurant City, as an English learning tool to facilitate vocabulary acquisition, and the additional purpose is to investigate learners’ learning perceptions. Using a group of non-English major learners in their twenties as an example, the target population was 30 Taiwanese EFL Facebook users. The experimental sequence of the study took approximately twenty hours spread over one month. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to collect and analyze data. The instruments used include a questionnaire, interview, and vocabulary test. The results confirmed that incorporating an online game-based method in English vocabulary learning facilitated learners’ vocabulary acquisition. Learners indicated that the combination of gaming and learning can reinforce their English learning. It was revealed that an online game-based learning method is effective in promoting motivation and changing attitudes toward English learning. Both quantitative and qualitative results derived from the experiment led to the conclusion that applying an online game-based learning strategy into English vocabulary learning can yield positive learning effects for the learners.


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