  • 學位論文


The Effect of Sales Promotion on Purchase on Behavior

指導教授 : 廖本哲 邱榆淨


經濟的發展與國人的健康意識抬頭,養身保健的觀念逐漸為人所重,醫療對於疾病的觀念由過去消極的「治療」逐漸轉向積極的「預防」,因而有改變個人結構與功能有效性的「保健食品」也日益受到民眾的接受與使用。國內研究不同型態促銷活動之研究者眾,但對於保健食品此一改變個人功能有效性商品之研究文獻較為欠缺,故本研究試圖透過設計不同型態之促銷活動並納入涉入程度之概念,討論不同涉入程度之消費者在面對不同促銷情境下之購買意願是否會有差異。 本研究在研究設計上,以「金錢/非金錢」與「立即/非立即」兩組變因作為操作變項,執行2×2的實驗設計,並同時針對四組不同情境下的消費者進行涉入程度之測量,以進行涉入程度與兩組促銷方式之交叉分析。 透過假設檢定可以發現,在不納入涉入水準的情形進行分析,在四種不同情境的促銷活動中,消費者的購買意願並無顯著之差異。而在納入涉入程度之高低進行分析後,可發現涉入程度之高低與對於促銷活動之反應皆呈現正相關,意謂著各種促銷活動皆對於高涉入族群有較正面之影響。若進一步將受訪者分為四種不同情境進行交叉分析,本研究發現非立即性之促銷活動無論在金錢或非金錢之誘因下,皆能對於高涉入程度之消費者之購買意願之不同面相產生正面影響,相較而言,立即性之促銷活動對於不同涉入程度之消費者並無顯著差異。 從本研究之結果,可看出高涉入程度之消費者對於各類型之行銷活動皆有較為正面之反應,特別針對非即時性之促銷類型之購買意願差異更為顯著,因此在實務層面上,鎖定高涉入程度之消費者進行行銷活動,例如透過高涉入族群較常接觸到的書籍雜誌、網站、健康保健節目等媒介進行促銷活動,會比起無鎖定特殊族群之無分眾行銷會產生更好之效果。而高涉入族群對於非即時促銷活動會對購買意願產生正面影響,亦可讓相關業者推出包括忠誠顧客俱樂部、會員制或累積集點贈送等促銷方式,以達到更加精準行銷之目的。


涉入程度 促銷 消費者行為


Economic development and the raise of health concept result in people’s perspective toward sickness transferring from a passive attitude of remedy to a more active action of prevention. Therefore, dietary supplement has been gradually accepted and utilized by public. Numerous studies emphasize on promotion activities, however, studies about functional product such as dietary supplement are not seen often. Therefore, this study will focus on purchase intention of consumers with different involvement level under diverse promotion situation. The study applies two factors “money/ non-money:”and “instant/non-instant” as manipulate variable conducting a 2×2 experiment design, and adds in involvement level under 4 conditions. Through hypotheses testing, consumers’ purchase intention shows no significant difference under these 4 conditions. However, as involvement is integrated, participants with high-involvement level have positive influence on various promotions. With cross analysis, the result indicates a positive effect for high-involvement level participants under non-instant promotion compare to instant promotion show on significant difference in both involvement levels. In conclusion, the result shows that consumers with high-involvement level are more positive toward promotion, especially to non-instant activation. Therefore, through promotion such as magazines, website and health-care TV programs reaching high involvement consumers have better effect then general marketing without aiming target. Also as high-involvement level consumers have more purchase intention on non-instant promotion, firms can provide loyalty club, affiliate program or points-collection redemption activation to attract consumers.


comsumer behavior promotion


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