  • 學位論文


Human Reliability Analysis for Disassembling & Assembling Tasks of Some Military Guided Missile System

指導教授 : 呂志維


國軍兵工廠在大型裝備的維修過程中,由於流程繁瑣、工時長,再加上技術性高,過程中容易因人為因素而導致人員受傷或裝備毀損。本研究即針對執行國軍某飛彈系統拆卸及組裝作業之技術人員,進行人為可靠度的評估及改善。 本研究方法分為三部分:首先為現場觀察及訪談,藉由了解實際作業並注意人員的失誤動作;第二為問卷分析,主要是要了解員人員對於作業中失誤的主觀意見;第三部分則是以人為失誤的評估方法將失誤動作進行定性及定量,並找出失誤率較高的動作進行改善。 根據問卷分析的結果,教育訓練的程度影響員工的作業失誤最顯著。失誤分析的部分,飛彈系統拆卸及組裝作業的失誤類型主要是以動作失誤為主(99/109),佔了全部的90.8%。而失誤率預測的部分,評估裝備拆卸作業中,失誤率最高的動作為「吊車緩緩卸下飛彈發射箱」,失誤率為0.048;評估裝備組裝作業中,失誤率最高的動作為「移動天車至車身上方」,失誤率為0.04。 研究結果顯示,人員若在經驗與技術能力不足之情況下施工,容易因工法或程序錯誤而肇生不安全行為,其中以操作大型機具(如吊車、天車等)較易造成失誤而導致人員受傷或裝備碰撞毀損。


HEART SHERPA 人為失誤 人為可靠度


In the armyfactory. Due to the repair process of large-sized equipment is complicated, long working hours,and high technical skill required personal injury or equipment damage owing to the human factor in the repair process has happened. In this study,we estimate and improve the human reliability for the army factory technicians disassembling and assembling some missile system equipment. The method of study is divided into three parts:1). to observe the operating environment and have an interview with people and to understand the complete operation of disassembling and assembling task, and notice the failure activities of people;2). to use questionnaire to survey the error self-knowledge; 3).to use human error analysis approach to define errors in the quantity and quality, and to improve the higher failure rate. According to the results of questionnaire, the training frequency has significant influence with failures. For the failures analysis, the main error of disassembling and assembling task of missile system is action errors(99/109), it has occupied a major part 90.8%. In the disassembling task, the highest error rate was 0.048 and the action is unloading the missile launch case. About the assembling task, the highest error rate was 0.04 and the action is moving the hoist o the top of the missile system. Therefore,it is prone to result in unsafe behavior with wrong operating process,if the operators were lack of technical experience and ability.The technicians make mistakes easily during operating large-sized machines (such as cranes, hoists, etc.),and make human injury or equipment damage.


SHERPA human reliability human error HEART


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