  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Visitors’ Information Search Behavior and Their Travel Experiences in Taiwan

指導教授 : 盧昱蓉


本研究依照中華民國交通部觀光局提供於2009年至2011年為期三年的調查數據探討國際旅客之資訊搜尋行為及來台後體驗感。並以西方國家(美國、歐洲國家)與東方國家(日本、馬來西亞)為主要探討對象,以進一步了解旅客因文化背景之差異其資訊搜尋行為是否顯著不同。 於本研究發現,東方國家旅客的資訊來源主要以報章雜誌,其次為網際網路獲取資訊;而西方國家旅客使用網際網路獲得旅遊相關資訊。不同國家文化群體所喜歡選擇的旅遊資訊及目的不同,東方國家(日本、馬來西亞)來台主要目的偏好觀光;西方國家(美國、歐洲國家)來台主要目的則是偏好業務。於來台次數,東西方旅客有五成以上是首次來台,並且大部分是透過旅行社的宣傳為主。對於來台的國際旅客,旅遊地區的國際化與便利性雖然相當重要,但是他們更加重視的是這些旅遊資訊是否可以確保旅遊安全。本研究亦建議政府在未來可以針對不同國籍的旅客給予適切的資訊平台,並增強軟硬體等建設與宣傳。


This research is based on a three-year secondary data conducted by Tourism Bureau M.O.T.C. Republic of China.The data from 2009 to 2011 illustrated the information research behavior and the experiences of international visitor. The study divided the research objectives into Western countries (USA and European countries) and Eastern countries (Japan and Malaysia), in order to provide a better understanding about the difference of searching behaviors caused by the culture and background. The finding of the study demonstrated that Eastern tourists access the information mainly from the newspapers and magazines, followed by internet. While Western tourists prefer the internet than others. The main purpose of tourists from oriental countries such as Eastern travelers is leisure travel, whereas, Western travelers is business travel. Regarding to the frequency, half of them are the first time visit Taiwan. More than 50% of tourists to visit Taiwan for the first time, most of them attracted by the promotion of the travel agency. Although for the international tourists, the internationalization and convenience are very significant to them. Nevertheless whether the information could secure the safety of travel or not is the issue they care the most. The study aims to provide some advices for government agency to furnish proper platform for global travelers; strengthen guidance and software as well as hardware configuration.


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