  • 學位論文


The Design of Algorithm for the Naming Information System

指導教授 : 陳興夏


隨著科技的進步,網際網路已被廣泛發展到生活之中各處。近年來更是出現了能不出門就不出門的生活風格,透過網際網路執行訂餐、購物、觀賞電影、收看電視節目、聊天、交友之事情。而以往需要人力於定點執行之工作,例如:房屋仲介、購票、金融交易等等,也日漸趨勢發展成網際網路應用程式,不但節省人力、店面之開銷,更是便於使用者輕鬆達到目的。在過去,許多命理專家利用專業知識,與人面對面進行算命、命名。如今隨著網際網路的發展趨勢,這些工作也在網際網路上發展成資訊系統。本論文將分析當今網路上之命名系統,取其優點,改善缺點,配合姓名學理論,設計一套簡單、便利使用的網路命名資訊系統。本論文使用JSP程式語言與 MySQL資料庫建構而成,在加上AJAX技術、jQuery技術用以增加版面動態視覺效果,讓使用者在執行上更加流暢。


命名 資訊 劉冠毅 系統 資訊系統 演算 取名


As modern technology improves, internet has been widely spread to everywhere in our daily life, and it leads to a newly-developed life style, under which we accomplished many tasks with the help of convenient internet service. For instance, we can order meals on the internet, purchase things, watch movies and TV series, and chat with friends. Besides, some works that require human resources to accomplish at specific location have been developed into applications. It saves time, reduces cost of human resources and shop expense, it’s convenient. For instance, we have booking system, web ATM, and online letting agent. In the past, many numerologists conduct fortune-telling with people face to face. Nowadays, with the development of internet, these works have been progressed into information system. In this paper, we analyze existing naming system, take the advantages and improve the disadvantages. Furthermore, assisted with the name theory, we design a simple, convenient internet naming information system. In this paper, we apply JSP programming language, MySQL database, AJAX, and jQuery to complete interaction effect, which enhances fluency when running.


algorithm Information nameing named name


(參考文獻:中原大學應用數學系碩士學位論文–Facebook社群網站應用程式之開發與研究 鄭景良 中華民國一0一年七月)
(參考文獻:中原大學應用數學系碩士學位論文–命名資訊系統之研究與設計 邱銘達
(參考文獻: 財團法人台灣網路資訊中心101年7月19日新聞稿
(參考文獻:JSP 2.0技術手冊 碁峰資訊股份有限公司 林上傑,林康司著2004年初版)
