  • 學位論文


Relationship among Cultural Convergence, Cultural Content and Cultural Influence - Key Success Factors Perspective of Cultural and Creative Industry in Taiwan’s Five Major Cities

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


城市為人類文明的聚集區域,進而發展獨特的生活方式、價值觀,孕育出文明的社會。近年來,全球因金融災害頻傳,各國欲扭轉金融災害帶來的傷害,紛紛提出文化發展政策,期盼帶來新契機改善經濟不景氣,踏上尋根旅程。每個城市都存在歷史的記憶,描繪出古老的故事地圖,道出城市發展的經過,除此之外,在歷史記憶中,留下歷史古蹟,正是為城市於每個時代的表徵。而今,古老的城市於現在充滿科技環境的時代,各國欲透過「古裝新創」的概念,將古老記憶披上新創意的外衣,發展文化創意城市,並且帶動文化創意產業的發展。因此,台灣五都文化創意城市近年正極力在推動文化創意產業,從文化創意城市的建構,慢慢找到城市本身的文化定位,進而將城市文化的獨特表徵,端出堂口影響國際。 本研究係探討文化融合度與文化內涵度對文化影響力關係之研究,以關鍵成功因素觀點剖析,因此,根據相關文獻研究與探討後,歸納選出相關的研究變數,其為(1)文化共識度、文化整合度、文化包容度;(2)資源內涵度、氛圍內涵度、素質內涵度;(3)文化輻射力、文化滲透力、文化吸引力;(4)人才因素、社會因素、政策因素、發展因素。此外,本研究透過問卷的形式,探討台灣五都之文化融合度與文化內涵度對文化影響力之關係,總共蒐集205份有效問卷,進行相關統計驗證,經過整理歸納其結論如下: 1.文化城市之文化融合度及文化內涵度與文化影響力關係密切 2.關鍵成功因素對文化融合度、文化內涵度及文化影響力之關係 3.台灣五都文化創意城市對文化融合度、文化內涵度、文化影響力及關鍵成功因素之關係 4.不同文化創意城市類型對文化融合度、文化內涵度、文化影響力及關鍵成功因素之關係


The city is the rendezvous of human civilization which develops a unique lifestyle, values, and civilization. In recent years, because of the global financial crisis, each country proposes the policies of culture development to decrease the damage of the financial crisis, and they want to utilize the policies to bring perspective and to improve the economics environment. Each city has its own historical memory, and the history could depict the map of the ancient story which could descript the developing the city. Nevertheless, the historic monuments could represent evidence to prove the city exists in different aging. Now, in aging of the technology environment, each country want to develop cultural creative city according to the innovation concept, and they also want to drive the industries of cultural creative. This study investigates the relationships among “cultural convergence, cultural content and cultural influence”, and it was analyzed by key success factors perspective according to the literature review, the study selected related variables which are (1) “cultural consensus”, “cultural integration”, and “cultural toleration” (2) “resources intension”, “atmosphere intension”, and “quality intension” (3) “cultural radiation”, “cultural penetration”, and “cultural attractions” (4) “human factors”, “social factors”, “policy factors”, and “developmental factors”. This study uses questionnaires to explore the relationships among “cultural convergence”, “cultural content”, and “cultural influence” of Taiwan’s five major cities. The study collected 205 questionnaires are valid, and uses statistic to analyze. It can find that: 1.“Degree of cultural convergence”, “cultural content”, and “cultural influence” are related. 2.The relationships among “cultural convergence”, “cultural content”, “cultural influence”, and “success factors”. 3.The relationships among “cultural convergence”, “cultural content”, “cultural influence” and success factors of Taiwan’s five major cities. 4.The relationships among “cultural convergence”, “cultural content”, “cultural influence” and fuccess factors in different types of cultural creative city.


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