  • 學位論文


Finding a Path: A Life Searching of a Helping Professional in Special Education

指導教授 : 任麗華


本論文透過「自我敘說」的方式,探究特教助人工作對我的生命意義,是一趟重新理解生命之旅。 我將自己的生命故事放到當時的文化、社會脈絡重新審視,回溯自己的成長故事。從原生家庭、自組家庭、學校生活及不同階段的特教助人工作的歷程,我看見我對權威、死亡的恐懼、害怕造心裡沒有安全感,以至於型塑了我在生涯上的拉扯。以前的我將權威、爸爸的死都視為是一個負向的力量,但是從寫自己生命故事的脈絡中,我漸漸看見自己面對權威的無助時,我不敢幫自己發聲,但是當我看見學生面對困難時,我卻可以挺身而出,因為我知道自己面對權威時的得不到認同的苦,所以讓我長出另一個想要幫助弱勢孩子發聲的我,我也找到爸爸的死亡成為我不斷進修及特教助人工作力量,接納了自己獨特的生涯歷程,讓自己可以安頓下來,安心的走往未來的路。 我從見山是山、見山不是山、見山又是山的特教助人歷程中,藉著書寫移動自己的視框看見,除了重新接納不完美的自己,也學著覺察到自我主體性的重要,讓自己以清明的心,知道自己是很有限的,也同時知道在為自己謀生路時,也看見在身邊的人他們所需要的生路,體驗到有些事情是無法改變的,能改變的是自己的感受,但是遇到會觸發我內心的痛時,需要再度的面對與處理,學著如何與傷痛相處,除了不再被這樣的傷痛影響自己之外,以學到當我再回到特教助人工作中,重新回頭看見學生在面對生活的困頓及生活中的弱勢時,他們以不逃避的姿態勇敢面對,且漸漸成長到可以自我獨立。我看到學生身上所發出這股源源不絕的生命力,足以支持我繼續從事特教助人工作時所需的力量,讓我的生命可以繼續飛翔。


This thesis applies self-narrative method to explore the meaning of a special education professional’s life meaning. It is a journey of re-finding my self. When I looked back my life, I realized I have gone through different stages of transitions and development: From departing from my family-of-origin, graduated from schools, getting married, entering working field and starting my career as a special education helping professional. These experiences have given me the opportunity to examine how my career was intertwined by my fears of authority figures. The death of my father lead to my internal insecurities, they influenced in my career. I used to look both of my fears and the loss of my beloved father as negative effects. However, through writing my own story, I gradually came to realize the cause of not being able to be assertive to express my real feelings and changed my memories of my father as a positive and optimistic impact in my current career. In addition, I realized I always got a strong desire to help others, for example, I could be brave and unhesitatingly with sympathetic mind to step forward to help students who were in need. Above all, I believe that I now gain tranquility, security and also increase my self-acceptance due to my working experiences and life searching process. My career in special education helped me experience the transformation from the state of being self-negative to being assertive. By sharing my story through writing, it has also helped me accept myself as an imperfect person, knowing that the importance of self-awareness and realize how limited I am. Furthermore, I also learn that when I strive for my own survival, I must also give others leeway. Furthermore, I learn that that we cannot change everything but we can change our mind to perceive things in different perspective. So, I have changed my attitude to face and deal with my past painful memories when they rush back into my mind. In conclusion, what I have learned from my work and students is to let go of the past and embrace the future so that I can keep going on in life.


